I have suffered with anxiety and panic for a long time but since my loading doses of hydroxocobalamin and folic acid my anxiety and panic are unbearable. I just wondered if anyone experienced this and then started feeling better? I'm nervous to inject further and wondered if I'd be better waiting 2-3 months until my next jab like the NICE guidelines. I'm not sure if it's the folic acid or b12 injections causing this or maybe a combination of both but I need to get myself well. Please help
B12 & Folic Acid and Anxiety - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 & Folic Acid and Anxiety

How much folic acid are you taking?Have you finished the loading doses at the surgery ? .
Anxiety and feelings of panic atd documented B12 deficiency symptoms asis paranoia.
I had this but knew it wasn't actual anxiety caused by stress and also knew the paranoia wasn't normal.
Your autonomic system is affected .
It will settle.
If unbearable get a short term prescription to see you through via G.p.
Keep up your B12 injections at a frequency you can either get prescribed or if self treating endure .
I got alot worse before improvements made.
I was taking 5mg of folic acid with each jab but I don't know if this adds to my anxiety. I don't know how often to take the jabs? I was doing EOD for 2 weeks. How bad did your anxiety get before it improved?
In my opinion if you are self medicating. Stop the high folic acid supplement .
5mg is s very high dose.
Ususlly short term prescription if folate deficient .
Are you deficient by a blood test .
We're your loadng doses prescribed?
My folate was 1 and now it's a 9. My B12 was prescribed by a consultant. They said EOD but as I was experiencing such bad side effects he said go to once a week but I'm not sure whether to spread them out further?
Try and stick to once a week as prescribed. So you can reduce your folic acid snd see if that helps?
As your folate rising okay
Only you know how you feel.
In my opinion I woild reduce folic acid and not B12 at this stage .
You will presumably have a review with your consultant.
Ride the rollercoaster its hard I know.
Ouf of interest is this consultant private?
If not amazing an NHS consultant working with you.
Anxiety is very difficult to deal with .
What form of folic acid are you taking? Methylfolate can cause symptoms of high anxiety in some people. If you’re taking methylfolate you might want to consider a different form. I hope you feel better soon.
I find that folinic acid doesn't cause me anxiety. Methylfolate would tip me over the edge!
I'm also having problems which i believe relate to B12 deficiency but my GP doesn't want to know. Could I ask if your consultant is a haematologist or neurologist?
Are you having panic and anxiety on folic acid and b12? Mine is a consultant
I'm having various neurological symptoms including anxiety but not yet on B12. Just wondering where to go from here as GP useless.
I had a private consultation with Dr Klein in Cambridge
Thank you - I've heard good things about him. I wondered if you were a member of the facegroup support group run by the B12 society. They are very knowledgeable & helpful, particularly regarding folic acid & other vitamins they recommend taking whilst injecting.
"They are very knowledgeable & helpful, particularly regarding folic acid "
From what I've seen posted here, I beg to disagree. Their "protocols" might be very specific but that does not mean they are correct or appropriate.
How do you know if they are correct? There's so many different protocols
I would just ask them the reasoning for and logic behind their protocols and then decide whether it makes sense as something to follow or not.
Thank you. They just say to push through and increased anxiety is a good thing and it will get better?
Folic acid supplements don't agree with everyone. I added an ounce of liver to my breakfast every day for six weeks, and then I took a course of folinic acid. Two other things helped me reset my autonomic nervous system and turn the corner on anxiety (which was more like terror) . One was getting into cold water (not something I wanted to do at all but now I'm hooked) and the other was some reiki/reflexology.
Folic acid is synthetic and problematic for many people. Try a natural form of folate eg methylfolate (which might be stimulating) or folinic acid. Hydroxocobalamin is natural but can impact nitric oxide and blood pressure. Methylcobalamin may be better for you. But more likely the folic acid is the problem. If you have a MTHFR gene mutation you must avoid folic acid.
Hi, sorry to hear you are suffering this way. I find Floradix good, a complex of B vitamins and iron from natural concentrates. It's a bit more digestible, just tastes of rusty nails.The other thing is sit, breathe and ask yourself is this real? I think as your brain mends all sorts of crazy connections link up in your head. It's scary when you think you are going a bit mad, which then stresses you more. The brain needs calm mental exercises, calm space, nature walks, to get it fit again. I currently find if I get really stressed about something, it's like the hormones can't clear from the system, and I get disabling headaches. Best to just stop and give yourself a break.
Big hugs. You are on the mend.
hello, just checking in to see how you’re going? Did your anxiety improve at all? What did you end up deciding about your treatment schedule?