Will walking 1hour or light exercise ... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Will walking 1hour or light exercise ×3 per week deplete levels faster?

WorkingProgress profile image
31 Replies

For those Well enough to return to this.....can this happen?. Will you need more frequent shots?

I guess we are all different but it would be good to hear your experiences on this so if I get well enough I can bear this in mind and pay attention to this.

Thanks again

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WorkingProgress profile image
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31 Replies
Nackapan profile image

There are differing opinions and experiences with this.I sometimes bring my injection forward by a day if I'm feeling particularly rough symptomatic when I was trying to increase activity. Even socialise.

I try otherwise to stay on the same regime

I do have frequent b12 injections.

Seemingly there is a difference with everyone e on this.

I've still a lo g way to go.

I'm not back to daily walks yet but had managed to go a little further before this current set back

I do think for me a pattern is important .

I'm methodical and try frequencies fir months to see if better or no improvement.

I don't believe a b12 injection one morning csn help that day with a longer walk or if it does you ust pay the next two days.

Sorry not to be clearer but I don't think there is a clear answer.

Record and monitor.

Probably more involved with fatigue problems rather than fitness

Just try and be patient and enjoy what you can do.

Says me lol (getting inpatient with so many limitations)


in reply to Nackapan

Good morning Nackapan x

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to

Morning x

Good morning I would say no. I would agree that stress can help deplete your levels quicker and that’s when I tend to increase my frequency and it helps me hugely,but I’d say that exercise can only benefit you as it releases your happy hormones so as long as you go gently,it doesent have to be an hours walk, ten minutes brisk walking a couple of times a day would be just as beneficial in my opinion.And don't forget head up and a big smile to passers by it’ll change your day and their day lol.best of luck go for it.

fbirder profile image

No. Not at all.

pvanderaa profile image

In my experience, during early stages of recovery, this seemed to be true. ( i.e. more activity, more B12 consumed), or to say it another way, the better I felt, the more I did and it seemed to be that I needed more B12. This was in the UK on 1 hydroxo injection every three months. As well as after I moved to the USA and was switched to monthly cyano injections. I pleaded with my GP for more frequent injections.

Now, I self inject cyano weekly and can work physically in the garden all weekend without feeling depleted. And during the week, I can work at a desk job with occasional feeling of running low. I always keep a stash of sublinguals to pop anytime.

I think the trick has been to establish a fixed schedule of supplemental vitamins to support the B12 as well. Spreading them out throughout the day helps take that peak and trough effect.

I still can get depleted with stress as well as exposure to sunlight without sunscreen. I know from the darker color of my urine that I have used quite a bit of B12 in these situations.

in reply to pvanderaa

I agree with you the better I felt the more I tried to do and had the inevitable crash, so if people are made aware of how we all react in different ways that’s a huge help for others and any wee tips or tricks are always gratefully received.x

WorkingProgress profile image
WorkingProgress in reply to

Thanks all for the replies. It is so very individual.

pvanderaa profile image
pvanderaa in reply to

I always recommend that a person with B12 deficiency (or any medical issue for that matter) to keep their own logbook of symptoms, medications, foods and drink to understand how their body reacts and identify their unique symptoms (most of which show up 6 to 72 hours later).

WorkingProgress profile image
WorkingProgress in reply to pvanderaa

Thank you and you are correct . I have done exactly this and beginning to see some patterns emerging. It does require documenting but I do feel that something else is occurring too. It will be difficult.

From what I'm reading excersise seems to be integral in importance to nerve rehabilitation. ...its not going to make you flush it out more but it may use it up more because it stimulates nerve growth so you do want the b12 to be being depleted by being used by your body. Especially for all the good things excersise builds. You maybe don't want to deplelete it with unnessisary stress but excersise would be exactly the thing you'd want your body to be utilizing and using up b12 for. Probably the priority thing you'd want to be using it up for. After all we all want it in order to have leathy nerves and blood so we can move around...so moving around would be the thing to be doing with your b twelve. Use it or lose it right. Its helps your blood it helos your bones where blood is made it helps yoir nerves it helps your brain your coordination ...all the things you want to be using up b12 doing. You don't want it just floating around idly in the system you want it to be being incorporated into new blood new nerves all of which excersise can only encourage as far as I can see. I think the body has a use it or lose it policy. If you don't use your blood and nerves then it will not prioritize them. When I had iron anemia I fugred I best use my blood so my body would know I need it and make some with the iron I was taking. That's my own sense of it I don't have any evidence or studies to hand to prove it in any way... Just seems logical from the little I know.

fbirder profile image

During the healing process I found that my energy reserves were at rock bottom. Even walking 100m was difficult. But it made not a jot of difference if I injected once a week, or twice a day, I still had the exact same stamina.

Over months it improved.

Now I can comfortably walk miles with no problem - if I'm not carrying anything. Even my expensive Swarovski binoculars were too much after half a mile. I had to but a cheaper pair that were half the weight if I wanted to walk further.

Increase the weight and the amount of time I can exercise drops drastically. I can carry a box of printer paper (12.5 kg) no more than about 20 m without having to sit down for 5 minutes afterwards.

No matter how much I inject, that stays the same.

WorkingProgress profile image
WorkingProgress in reply to fbirder

I see..... I am in the early stages month 5 now and finally out of bed and able to walk about but my BPM increases rapidly as oxygen demands increase. This I presume will be normal for a while. My main requirement for B12 is the formation of new blood and will soon undergo many tests from hematology. I have documented my decline, SI and progress and how I relapsed after following my GP's advice to stop SI so as to avoid the frustration of ever repeating myself to Medics. My journey now is to pay attention to symptoms, find out what else is wrong, find my correct dosing ie. how many days apart and see where it leads. Self help is the best as this problem is way way way more serious that most medics will even acknowledge. Its a shame Hydroxy and methyl give me a heavy head and anxiety but I shall switch to taking them an hour or so before bed to avoid day time symptoms. My body is very sensitive to Meds. As mentioned .... Its all about learning what works along the way and hopefully working up to feeling "normal" and maintaining that.

fbirder profile image
fbirder in reply to WorkingProgress

Blood cells have an average life of about three months. But, when a B12 defieicny has been responsible for macrocytic anaemia the body puts on a rush job for new cells. Even so, after 5 months most of the red cells you had when treatment started would be gone by now.

WorkingProgress profile image
WorkingProgress in reply to fbirder

I am not microcytic but microcytic. I am thallassaemia trait which is why I suspect something else is going on. This relapse only lasted a couple of weeks and I am coming out of it but there is much to investigate . My b12 was low and despite taking oral b12 it declined more and has been for years but SI will rectify that. So it's going through the Nhs to find out what's going on.

FlipperTD profile image
FlipperTD in reply to WorkingProgress

Scientist, not medic.

You have a thalassaemia trait, so your 'normal for you' MCV will be around 65-70fl. Your bone marrow will inevitably make bigger cells when it becomes megaloblastic due to a lack of B12 or folate, but 'your macrocytosis' will probably only get you into the 'normal' range for non-thalassaemia trait. Unless those looing after you appreciate this, it will be easy for them to become very confused. Life's difficult enough already. Good luck.

WorkingProgress profile image
WorkingProgress in reply to FlipperTD

Thank you here is a copy for your perusal of my bloods after SI frequently each week.As you can see the I am still microcytic so there is definitely something else going on despite the B12 helping.

Full blood count Haemoglobin concentration 143 g/L [130.0 - 180.0]

Total white blood count 5.5 10*9/L [4.0 - 11.0]

Platelet count - observation 300 10*9/L [150.0 - 450.0]

Mean cell volume 72 fl [76.0 - 96.0] Below low reference limit

Red blood cell count 6.06 10*12/L [4.5 - 5.5] Above high reference limit PCV 0.434 /L [0.4 - 0.51]

Mean cell haemoglobin level 23.6 pg [27.0 - 32.0] Below low reference limit Neutrophil count 3.4 10*9/L [2.0 - 8.0]

Lymphocyte count 1.4 10*9/L [1.0 - 4.8]

Monocyte count - observation 0.5 10*9/L [0.2 - 0.8]

Eosinophil count - observation 0.1 10*9/L [0.0 - 0.4]

Basophil count 0.1 10*9/L [0.0 - 0.2]

FlipperTD profile image
FlipperTD in reply to WorkingProgress

Hi. Thanks for these. It's easy for folks to get confused, but you say that you have a Thalassaemia Trait. [Is it beta, or alpha?] Your MCV should never actually get into the 'normal' range because what's 'normal' for you will be the typical thalassaemia range. Depending on the exact thalassaemia gene you carry then the expected range can vary a bit, but it's unlikely that it would ever reach the 'normal' range quoted by the lab. One useful indicater which you don't quote here is the RDW. When there's 'something going on' like running out of iron, or B12, or folate, then as the red cells change in size, the RDW reflects this change. If you produced smaller cells [as in iron deficiency] the MCV falls, the RDW rises. Likewise, if you run out of B12 or folate, the MCV rises, and so does the RDW. If your RDW remains stable and in the reference range then it's likely that there's 'nothing going on'.

It's important that whoever your GP is, they appreciate that your reduced MCV is due to Thalassaemia, and NOT Iron Deficiency. To gauge your iron status, they need to make sure they've measured it, and not just assumed 'Microcytosis therefore Iron Deficient'.

This is certainly a case where it's more important than ever to see how things change against time, and with treatment.

I hope this hasn't been too confusing!

WorkingProgress profile image
WorkingProgress in reply to FlipperTD

Thank you. I am Beta thallassaemia Trait. I seem to be suffering all the symptoms of chronic anaemia of some kind having actually been bed ridden for three months with B12 shots almost daily. I am improved but just struggled to take a shower, feeling faint, hugely elevated pulse etc anxiety and the rest of it. That was just part of my bloods. Could Iprivate message you the rest if you fancy a read? I paid for medichecks to do a full profile where you can see all. They were taken after B12 shots so you can get a good idea

FlipperTD profile image
FlipperTD in reply to WorkingProgress

Please do; [I'm not sure how to do a Private Message]. I will be interested in what you've got; it keeps me in touch with the subject. My background is Haematology, but with a smattering of other stuff too. I look forward to the next bits!

WorkingProgress profile image
WorkingProgress in reply to FlipperTD

If you click on my username it will take you to another page that will give you options to follow, message etc. Click on message

Mrsmr profile image

Hi, I was interested in your post about b12 levels and exercise. Since starting injections 6 months ago I have slowly started to improve a bit.clearer head not so exhausted and times when my gastro problems go away. I have been doing regular pilates yoga, walking the dog and gardening.Yippee!!! But after a week or so of normal life I crash.muscle pain tingling all over body swollen and painful fingers and toes. So back to bed and sleep. As other members say, pace yourself and balance exercise and b12. All the best

WorkingProgress profile image
WorkingProgress in reply to Mrsmr

Thank you. It's a huge problem as when I crash I don't come back quick which is leading me down further investigations. I am still finding my feet with all this. The problem is that when we feel human again we LOVE it so much we just get wrapped up in it so I guess pacing ourselves is a good idea as a preventative measure. Congratulations on your gradual recovery. That is fantastic.

Mrsmr profile image

Thanks workingprogress. Its good to share experiences. I crashed yesterday and have spent today in bed feeling terrible. I hope it doesn't last too long. I am still learning from the community!

WorkingProgress profile image
WorkingProgress in reply to Mrsmr

I am sorry to hear that. I hope you bounce right back quickly. It's all learning but this is the best place to learn. There are some extremely knowledgeable people here who are more than happy to help.

lulu2962 profile image

Hello, I have been on my monthly B12 injections at the doctors for about 4 years now. The problem with the injection as it’s not a time release so you can get an overload of B12 right away and then it can be gone before the month is over. I can’t absorb big 12 any other way except injection and am allowed only 1x a month.I usually have a crash sometime right before the next injections due. I started trying to walk for exercise and got up to 5 miles a day. Then took a break from the cold weather. I live in the North East. I found walking beneficial to my health both mentally and physically. I am now doing 2 miles with a power walk ( 1 mile at 12 minutes )

I also have sleep apnea/anxiety/ many other conditions including spine degeneration. Stomach problems and sever allergies.

It doesn’t matter if I exercise or a sleep in bed from exhaustion it happens every month sometimes sooner sometimes later I have not experienced a month and all that for a year so I did did IIt doesn’t matter if I exercise or a sleep in bed from exhaustion it happens every month sometimes sooner sometimes later I have not experienced a month and all the yeas of b12 injections that I did NOT have a crash.

I tried eating healthy organic, no sugar, and added b12 foods but nothing changes it. I must say I feel 100% better with the b12 and a once a month crash then I did prior to my injections. With that said, I live my life adjusting to my health. It is what it is. I will also swim, bike and hike this year too.

WorkingProgress profile image
WorkingProgress in reply to lulu2962

Hello Lulu I will say that you are doing fantastically well. Good on you. I do not think my problem is simply B12 but you are correct it is quite a big dose all at once and its a shame they don't do half or quarter size doses given more frequently or available for all to buy and administer over here. That way all could take charge legitimately and does to our individual needs.

MoKayD profile image
MoKayD in reply to WorkingProgress

Wouldn't it be nice if someone would invent a device that would administer a tiny drop of B12 into your body every day. You could wear it attached to your arn like those new insulin devices I've seen advertised on TV.

lulu2962 profile image

My doctor was the one that informed me that it was not a time released injection. Blood tests to check levels can fluctuate due to that. So they do not change my dose unless the counts drop significantly when I get tests once a year. I started centrum silver and Biotin. Biotin helps with hair loss, healthy skin and nails. I don’t even know if my body absorbs it because it does it absorb B12 pills or liquids. I take it anyway. 😂 I feel like walking helps my digestion I also added propel water which has (magnesium ) and electrolytes and those levels can mimic the same symptoms as B 12 deficiency. You must be careful though because you can get too much magnesium and it can make you sick at least you can’t get too much B12 excess is expelled through your urine.

Fiercepapillon profile image

I had been doing really well on every other week injections. But working out high intensity 5 days a way sent me into low B-12 symptoms rapidly. That is the only reason I could find. So I’m SI weekly now and getting better. I think just light walking will not be an impact but high intensity could.

I run 5-10km a day 5 times a week. I find I need to inject once a week to be able to achieve this. I

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