Today I thought I’m going to try using this excellent system this new practice has in place and see if I can get some more help to move forward as I’ve been feeling pretty rough for about a week now.
I send an online email via their system that lets you contact either doc or reception and explained that as I’m waiting to see a private neuro I actually need some blood updates done which would be helpful as I’m struggling to get a clinic to draw private bloods because of lockdown tier 4.
Within an hour the gp called me ,there were a couple that he said he couldn’t do on nhs as they required a referral on a certain form from a consultant but he was happy to arrange the others I needed so we agreed FBC ferritin and cholesterol and bone health.I then called reception and arranged an appointment with nurse for next week.
I find this particular gps manner very abrupt and have difficulty communicating with him,I’m not sure he’s aware of how he comes across but the important thing is I got what I needed mostly,wouldn’t it be great if all gps had this ability to communicate with someone without pleading for an appointment that’s not needed.The reception team need a huge Pat on the back for forwarding this stuff too,all done and dusted within an hour I’m impressed.
I’ve roasted my turkey and beef and it smells like heaven in here and I’m hoping everyone has a fabulous stress free Xmas as best we all can just now.You are all so lovely take care xx