Battle continues: Am still trying g to... - Pernicious Anaemi...

Pernicious Anaemia Society

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Battle continues

Nackapan profile image
24 Replies

Am still trying g to get my mothers b12 injections rei instated. They were stopped until she has a blood test to review!! and was offered tablets if doesnt want the blood test? Or infact cant get there for the blood test. Or ti get the tablets!! Not that they will help.

Meanwhile a district nurse is now visiting twice a week for a leg wound after a fall that wont heal. I've asked if that nurse can do her b12 as I'm sure it will aid healing.

That not possible.

She is 91 this month. Housebound 99% of the time. At the moment 100% housebound. It shoukdnt be happening. I darnt use what I've got because she will innocently say something to the wrong persin and I will be in trouble .

When I'm a bit stronger I will take it up again.

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Nackapan profile image
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24 Replies

Nackapan why don't you write to Tracy witty and explain all this to her and ask for some support in helping your mum,it’s so bloody cruel to treat our elderly like this,as you say the district nurse is coming in to dress leg wound so what kind of person would see an elderly person struggle like that when it’s a five minute solution to inject her and also see her family struggle to get the help she needs,sorry but I would take the consequences and inject her if my mum was still alive today just to give her the quality of life she deserves in her final years,if she does slip up just say yes I did say I wished I could inject you she’s mistaken ,how can they prove otherwise,barstewards is the best way to describe them.

I feel so bad for you and your poor mum this should be a happy time for you with new baby.I wish I could help you.I understand the energy it takes to try and fight these barstewards and how it’s draining when your not even well enough to fight your own corner so that’s the best thing I can suggest you try,find her website and contact details and try you’ve everything to of luck xx

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to

Thankyou for your thoughts and advice .

I will try again now home next week.

Sleepybunny profile image


PAS (Pernicious Anaemia Society)

Based in Wales, UK.


There is a helpline number that PAS members can ring.


B12 Deficiency Info website

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Sleepybunny

I am a member so will get my husband to ring.

I cant use the landline yet.

I do brief callings on speaker phone . I tried ringing PAS on speaker phone but it was too difficult to hear.

Thank you.

It really should not be happening. Alot of the elderly have noone to challenge mum definitely benefits from her b12 injections. She is more 'with it ' and moves more.

Narwhal10 profile image
Narwhal10 in reply to Nackapan

It must be utterly infuriating and it’s an outrage. Getting your husband and anyone else to help (another family member or a friend) with the practicalities of addressing this issue would be useful. Hope you are ok after your trip. 😊

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Narwhal10

Still struggling at the moment. Picked up a bit today after injection yesterday thanks.

Wouldnt have missed it though . Very special time. Also lovely to leave my daughter si much more confident and less sore!

Did highlight how I'm simply still not functioning at an acceptable level though. Because of light sensitivity I was in bed or in the spare room early si they could have the lights on. So had plenty of rest . Did everything si slowly which was fine with a baby. Very frustrating though . The old me woukdve been going for walks. Cleaning the houses more cooking . just doing more.

Yes unbelievable the way people are being treated ar present. I think theres a b12 tablet shortage now !! For thises that can actually absorb it rather than it going down the pan from those that need injections

I've given her my left over 1000mg b12 sublinguals that did nothing for me meanwhile. It's due now as she only has them 3 monthly!!

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to Nackapan

When my mum was getting splitting skin and ulcerated legs with poor healing, she was given manuka honey patches (NHS): it really helped with healthy healing -not sealing over the top of an open wound.

Strangely, these kept on coming in small round patches, and GP knew it was not from falls or bashing on furniture so was investigating it. My mum swore that it was in areas where she had previously had psoriasis.

This may not be of any relevance to your mum's case, but manuka honey was the only way for her to get any healing to happen as skin was so thin and vulnerable.

Might be of help.

Hope this gets sorted out - we are all aware that B12 deficiency causes susceptibility to infection and poor healing. We can't be alone in seeing the connections, surely.

Wishing you both better health - and health care.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Cherylclaire

Thank you for the manuka honey patches. I will enquire.

Thus wound started after a cut when she fell over. . As on top of shin we thought it would heal okay. Not had a wound like this before.

Thanks again

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to Nackapan

May be worth a try. It certainly helped my mum.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Cherylclaire

At present I've discovered the nurses are using silver alkaloid dressings . I've noted you can buy the manuka honey wound dressings online. So thanks if the change theve made if dressing soesent work I will just buy some.

Hope your antibiotics doing something

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to Nackapan

Feeling good - better on Amoxicillin than Metronidazole: still dizzy but not down and not feeling so ill. Last day today on these and swelling not gone, tooth still very loose, so think I might lose it, but too chicken to go yet. Not in any pain luckily so can afford to wait. Not ready to say goodbye to another one just at present. Last time got poor healing and a bone infection afterwards, so you can see why "no pain" is winning out over common sense right now !

Here's a little poem just for you:

Woman next door called Delicious Amelia

Got diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia.

Due to Covid infections,

They stopped her injections

-and made every excuse to stop seeing her !

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Cherylclaire

I love the poem lol 🤣🤣

Glad no pain and you are okay on amoxicillin. Just keep up the natural yoghurt!!

Yes I would hang on ad long as possible too.

You would think if imfection free they could cement them in or something .

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to Nackapan

Bone not great either.

Teeth fine, but need a gum transplant !

Up late Nackapan ?

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Cherylclaire

I'm the opposite. Rock hard jaw bone I was told by the dentist hence trauma getting last roots out. Gums fine but teeth falling apart. !

Umm gum transplant....oh dear.

! Too many fillings as a child . I mustve had one every time I was taken. Very different now with children's teeth. Mine didnt have any. Jus5 white stuff ti prevent them Yes was up later sitting in the semi dark on my bed. My husband keeps leaving lights on so I feel under attack if I walk inti a room unsuspecting . The bulbs are very dim but can only tolerate if in a corner not overhead. So I retreat so he can move around safely and see. He finds the dim grim

Only rhyme I can do lol

B12 deficiency has definitely changed the way I heal.

It's not 'just age' timing too transparent.

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support in reply to Nackapan

Yes exactly, one thing after another and another.... "susceptible to infection, poor healing" definitely a B12 thing, and recorded as such.

Still, can be as difficult to try and convince a dentist that it's not caused by your own long-term poor oral hygiene as it is to convince a GP that your B12, folate, ferritin and vitamin D deficiencies are not due to your own poor dietary choices.

It just looks that way if you don't want to look any further.

shaws profile image

I am very sorry for your predicament. There's no reason a nurse cannot come to do so.

No wonder people get frustrated. Your Mum is 91 years old, and needs her regular injections. In fact I think those with P.A. need more than a three monthly injection.

If your Mum has been diagnosed as having P.A. it is very important for her whole body but for her brain in particular.

My mother had P.A. and in her late 60's was told by the doctor that she needed no more injections as her 'blood was fine'. Both my sister and myself thought that was 'good' but the doctor made a huge mistake as Mother developed stomach cancer and died before she need have.

I, too, have P.A, but my GP has told me I can have an injection when I think I need it. It might be different now we're in lockdown.

If you're able to give your Mum a B12 injection, I would do so as I'm sure you wont be in trouble as you don't want your Mum's health to get worse.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to shaws

Thank you.

She hasnt got a diagnosis if PA as not tested .

She is definitely more' with it' after an injection. Also less stucck to the spot

Since I organised a 'blister pack' for her meds. She has shown no signs of dementia. I only got her to have levels checked a few years ago.

I will see where I get with her surgery first before approaching doing it myself. It's due this week.

District nurse just withdrew it after last one?? So I've been onto this for nearly 3 months .

Just seems ridiculous as a nurse going in twice a week at present fir a wound they cant do it ??

shaws profile image

Ask GP to give a blood test for P.A. but I wouldn't give her any tablets a couple of days before blood draw.

If your Mum has P,A. the GP will have to treat her properly with regular B12 injections. My mother's GP told her she no longer had Pernicious Anaemia so didn't need any more injections. My sister and I thought that was great but little did we know of the 'hell' that was to develop months later as she developed stomach cancer.

Thank goodness for the internet otherwise where would we be!

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to shaws

Yes so true!

Sorry your mum suffered.

The Gp just wants to check b12 levels. As i cant get her there anyway not having anything at present .

Thanks for thoughts

I will update

mountainice profile image

Have you written to her GP. I can't remember from other posts. It's a real battle and it shouldn't be.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to mountainice

No I went in person twice when it was possible. I was reassured that the way to dk it was to ring and book it in and thd Gp would see on the notes housebound and get it done.

I tried this but they said initially she would have to go to the surgery. Then was told she had to havd a blood test. When I said I cokdnt get her to the surgery for bloods they said to go and buy tablets!!

She was having it done by a district nurses 3 monthly. They fir some reason rang her and said they will not be coming any more. My mum is very deaf and even with an aid I thought she had got it wrong. I got hold of the district nurses team. The reason given was reducing houses visits . So I'm ringing tomorrow ad district nurses at present are going to her to dress a wound twice a week. Why theh cant give it is beyond me. It's usually on prescription and delivered so she has it . But been taken off. ?

I will get a phone call on tomorrow and I wilm write. Thanks

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to mountainice

I have now!

mountainice profile image

The district nurses should be giving the jab, they are visiting!

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to mountainice

Exactly !!so frustrating.

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