Had 1st appiontment with neurologist ... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Had 1st appiontment with neurologist today.

Zc66 profile image
40 Replies

This morning i have had my first appointment with a neurologist, he seemed nice i told him everything and that i had been SI. He didnt even seem to care about the B12, i am now waiting on an appointment for brain & spine scan.

He says he is leaning towards FND functional neurological disorder and these scans will rule out MS etc.

Trying not to over think & worry, im just not sure how i feel that the B12 has helped me, he says it could be placebo.

On the upside, hopefully i am getting somewhere. 😊

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Zc66 profile image
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40 Replies
Nackapan profile image

Yes wait for your MRI scans.

Are you feeling better on b12 injections?

I hate it when they placebo. . I was also told by first neurologist I am addicted to b12 Injections?? And they were toxic.

He didnt write that on letter to Gp though!! Good they including your spine. I thought I was having spine as well on my second mri brain one. But it said cervical which was neck .

Anyhow its a start for you.

fbirder profile image
fbirder in reply to Nackapan

If anybody told me that my response to B12 was a placebo I would tell them I didn't care how it works, it works.

Zc66 profile image
Zc66 in reply to fbirder

Haha fbirder i wish i was that confident when in the room with the consultant.

Zc66 profile image
Zc66 in reply to Nackapan

Nackapan i feel that they have helped me loads! I havent had one for about 4 weeks now and i can feel the nerve pains coming back & my hips hurt so bad where as when i keep up my injections every 2-3 weeks they are almost non existent. He didnt even mention anything about my b12 maybe even playing a part in my symptoms.

FND has alot of the same symptoms as b12 deficiency and MS apparently without causeing the berve damage which i guess they will see on the scans. Have you heard FND before?

But like we said hopefully it is a start & fingers crossed for the best outcome.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Zc66

Yes I have heard of it. Like you say seems to duplicate symptoms of other things.

So good you know your b12 injections help you.

I was completely thrown when the neurologist thought my symptoms nothing to do with b12 deficiency. It quite scared me.

I'm 2 years on now. On b12 injections every 6th day . Slowly slowly getting some relief. Every day have head pain of sorts tinnitus ect ect. At the start I coukd walk . So keep going with what's working for you .

Zc66 profile image
Zc66 in reply to Nackapan

Yes i get tinitus too, im glad you are feeling better i also feel much better than i did in the beginning, you kind of forget how bad you felt and how many syptoms you had.

Just trying to stay positive, im lucky to have got these appointments as i know many stuggle to.

fbirder profile image

Both my neurologists have been very well clued up on B12. They're the best specialists I've seen.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to fbirder

The third one I saw was having b12 Injections himself . So he was much more helpful and open minded. I actually saw him for the ongoing head pain and headaches.

He admitted he knew little about it until he started to read up on it. He also could not manage the NHS 2-3 mo they even though caught early and he still able to work. He mustve known about the move towards tablets as he said to Gp in the letter to keep me on frequent injections. He said at appt. He wasnt convinced about tablets being enough to keep levels high enough. I paid to see him as the NHS one discharged me .

He thought my symptoms nothing to do with b12 deficiency and thought I had post concussion syndrome. It was him that really upset me as so ill and said b12 injections were toxic . I was addicted to them and I must get off them because of causing cancer .

I at the time was on every other day!! That night had the worst migrain event . Mat have been lights in the hospital but his consult certainly didt help.

The first neurologist was lovely. He actually tested my reflexes. Also balance . He also explained the brain MRI. He did however persuade me to try amitriptyline. As he was the 5th medical person to advises this I did.

I know it helps some. It gave me 2 days off pain as so drugged then was worse. ? At least I tried. Difficult to get off though.

No one to date has explained vision problems ect I hope the neuro opthologist can help. Been waiting 9 months now.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to fbirder

Thars good. I think you have been very fortunate they have been clued up. I wish they all were.

Twaddletop profile image
Twaddletop in reply to fbirder

You’ve been very lucky then x

fbirder profile image
fbirder in reply to Twaddletop

Yes, not just with neurologists, but my three gastroenterologists have been great. Only idiot was my heamatologist.

pamelashep profile image
pamelashep in reply to fbirder

Amazing where are you fbirder. My husband saw 3 neurologist. The 1st two privately and was quite rude when I said his B12 was only 51 range optimum 728 I think done through blue horizon and PAS shouldn't be advising and telling me hi needed extra injections. 2nd one did a dat scan and said he did have Parkinson's but very mildly. Of and B12 nothing to do with it.

The 3rd was brilliant and said she would never have diagnosed him with Parkinson's originally. But and but again B12 nothing to do with it and he is getting 3 monthly injections and it was good enough. So 3 monthly inject ion of B12 and sinemet for the Parkinson's but if it was mild he has gone down hill very very quickly? It's a strange one.

Best wishes to you fbirder

fbirder profile image
fbirder in reply to pamelashep

And to you too.

My local hospital was where I was my first neurologist. He only does NHS work one day a week, the rest he is private. He decided that my neuropathy wasn't caused by B12 or diabetes, but couldn't be sure what it was. So he referred me to a London expert in peripheral neuropathy. This guy was excellent. He ran loads of tests and told me I had Idiopathic Axonal Neuropathy. He then explained how it would progress, if he was right, and told me to see him 9 months later. He was spot on.

So I know what I've got and I know how it will progress (very slowly) I just don't know what causes it. All I know is that it's much more common in tall people - like me.

pamelashep profile image
pamelashep in reply to fbirder

Ah that's interesting as my husband is tall 6ft 2 ins. Neurologists has just ordered MRI scan to look for stenosis and scan on bladder which he had today and was told he had retained 19 mls in bladder after peeing. So we wait for the actual results on both those scans.

We live in West Sussex thinking you might be close if you went to London. A going to look up your diagnosis and does that mean B12 doesn't help you? Take care and best wishes

fbirder profile image
fbirder in reply to pamelashep

Yes, I am close - West Sussex also. But only just outside East Sussex.

When I was first diagnosed with PA my GP did some tests for neuropathy and it was very slight. Over the next few months, with me injecting once a week, it got worse and worse until I got sent to see the neurologist. The timing of it was the main reason he didn't think it was anything to do with B12.

The big clue was the nerve conduction studies. They showed a total absence of a SNAP - Sensory Nerve Action Potential. That means I can't feel anything below my ankles.

Zc66 profile image

He didnt even seem bothered by my low b12 when i first had bloods done.

I did get told that when they learn b12 its just like 1 small paragraph in the medical book. Hopefully i will get somewhere.

Sleepybunny profile image


I am very cynical about a FND diagnosis.

Another name for FND is MUPS (Medically Unexplained Symptoms)

NHS link about MUPS


I was told I had MUPS, FND, psychosomatic symptoms etc etc

If I had accepted what GPs and specialists said I am sure that by today I would have developed dementia and spinal damage; at the time of these diagnoses I already had pins and needles in my spine and dementia type symptoms and multiple other typical symptoms of b12 deficiency affecting various body systems.

My experience was that getting a label of FND/MUPs meant efforts to find physical causes of symptoms more or less ended.

I do accept that some people develop FND/MUPS. I just think physical causes of symptoms such as vitamin deficiencies, undiagnosed auto-immune conditions etc should be excluded first.

Only one of multiple neurologists I saw had a clue about B12 deficiency and even that one didn't give a formal diagnosis despite me having typical symptoms and some clues in blood test results.

I was told to look at this website below about FND by one neurologist and after reading it I thought I know there is something physically wrong with me. There was nothing on this website about my excessive dandruff, constant fungal infections, hair loss and many of my other symptoms.



Meaning of placebo treatment


Symptoms of B12 Deficiency




Peripheral Neuropathy


More B12 info in my detailed reply on another forum thread with links to symptoms lists, causes of b12 deficiency, B12 books, B12 websites, UK B12 documents and other B12 info which you might find helpful.


I am not medical trained.

Billypil profile image
Billypil in reply to Sleepybunny

Could you or anyone please tell me do pathology tests for serem B vitamins show true result or does a person need different tests to show if you are low on any B vitmins that have been processed by your body, otherwise known as Methylation.


Zc66 profile image
Zc66 in reply to Sleepybunny

That is the same website my neuro gave me to take a look at, i did think that possibly for me a FND diagnosis was similar to a sub clinical diagnosis, meaning no cause found. I dont understand how when i SI my tiredness & breathlessness lifts... my pins and needles and shooting pains virtually disappear but yet for FND b12 does not help as the nerves are not damaged? 🤔

I think my main issue is my b12 was 183 and first test which wasnt quite low enough ehich is maybe why they dont pay much attention to it but from what a read when people starr getting to low 100 they can be reeeeally poorly.

So fingered crossed my results come back clear but i also then have the issue of just being diagnosed with FND with no b12 treatment.

waveylines profile image

You would exepct a neurologist to know a lot about B12 given its importance in maintaining a healthy neurological system!!!!! Lol. But what do I know..............

Parksy profile image

I saw a neurologist a few years ago and I hope to god I never ever need to see them for a brain condition. My symptoms were all due to peri menopause apparently and deemed b12 injections a placebo effect.

jointpain profile image

Hi, I saw a neurologist after an MRI showed up a cervical spine stenosis. The MRI was done because I found difficulty in making my legs work and I was having terrible migraine headaches, this was after my B12 serum blood test showed I was very low. By the time I saw the neurologist I had been S I for nearly a year and was finding walking a good deal easier.

He wrote to my GP saying the symptoms of both spinal stenosis and B12 deficiency can be similar, and was happy for the surgery to continue treating me with B12. Made me laugh as the surgery have always never recognised the B12 deficiency, and say I am going to suffer from B12 toxicity.

I have to inject every four days or the symptoms come back.

GPs are in my opinion as useless as a chocolate teapot. Having had a telephone appointment yesterday I asked how my appointment with another surgeon to look at my knee replacements was going as I have waited a year since seeing the first surgeon. They didn't know a thing. But we're quick to blame covid 19 for the fact I have waited now for two years to have a surgeon look at them that could actually do the operation.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to jointpain

Thats rubbish for you jointpain. Couldnt the doctor at least offered to chase it up!! Do you know the name of the surgeon? If you do ring the hospital and ask to speak to his secreatary so she can check where you are on the list. They are usually very helpful.

Zc66 profile image
Zc66 in reply to jointpain

So rubbish how you can feel like you are fighting a battle just to get your health checked. 😔 hope they get there asses in gear with your knee.

kittyflowers profile image

I understand. This is exactly the position I am in too. My brain and spine scan later this month. And like you, my neurologist seemed merely amused at my b12 SI. FND is nit really a diagnosis is it. It's just a name describing the fact of ones nervous system badly functioning.

I feel there is nothing to lose re SI b12 so shall carry on anyway.

Good luck.

Zc66 profile image
Zc66 in reply to kittyflowers

Yes i will carey on SI too, good luck with your scans kittyflowers.

Hopefully we will get a diagnosis of some sort one day.

Zc66 profile image

I think i am going to have to put on my big girl pants if i see him again, maybe best for me to put it on paper as i go all to pot when i get in that room.

I have learnt so much on here.

kittyflowers profile image

Yes indeed. My neurologist said if all the nasties are ruled out which he expects then its Amitryptiline for management of FND.

I'm already on 10mg at night, goes back years, but he would increase it further he says.

Is your MRI scan soon? This covid situation has caused very long delays.

Zc66 profile image
Zc66 in reply to kittyflowers

Im thinking i may pay for private IF tests as i haven't had that done yet.

Really baffles me that b12 isnt being looked into further but hey what do i know 🙈

He said the wait for scan wilk be 4-6 weeks, doesn't seem that long considering this all started last October and i only got to see neurologist yesterday. Is yours soon?

kittyflowers profile image
kittyflowers in reply to Zc66

My scan is 26th October. I waited 4 weeks after seeing neurologist at Gloucester Royal.

He said if my serum levels are good then its nit b12 deficiency, which just shows his ignorance but what can a mere patient say to that?🤔

Sleepybunny profile image
Sleepybunny in reply to kittyflowers

"He said if my serum levels are good then its nit b12 deficiency, which just shows his ignorance but what can a mere patient say to that?"

Patients could perhaps

1) Look at this next link and write a letter

Letters to GPs about B12 deficiency


Point 5 in above link is about being symptomatic with an in range B12 result.

2) Pass on a copy of following guidelines/articles with appropriate quotes highlighted?

BSH Cobalamin and Folate Guidelines (UK document)


B12 article from Mayo Clinic (US)


Table 1 in above article is about frequent misconceptions about B12 deficiency.

Misconceptions about a B12 deficiency

Article from Dutch B12 website


BMJ B12 article


Emphasises need to treat patients who are symptomatic even if their B12 level is within range.

3) Consider joining and speaking to PAS before appointment.

PAS website has many useful articles that may be worth passing on to doctors.

PAS (Pernicious Anaemia Society)

Based in Wales, UK.


There is a helpline number that PAS members can ring.

PAS leaflets/articles


Blog post about B12 treatment in Gloucestershire


After reading blog post above and hearing about other forum members in Gloucestershire having difficult experiences, I would personally be wary of what Gloucestershire GPs and specialists say about B12 deficiency.

kittyflowers profile image
kittyflowers in reply to Sleepybunny

Thanks so much Sleepybunny for this comprehensive reply. I really appreciate it.

Vps1980 profile image

I’m waiting on results of head and spine mri, had it last Tuesday xx

Zc66 profile image
Zc66 in reply to Vps1980

Hope all goes well. X

Twaddletop profile image

My partner spent years visiting a neurologist. We obtained a great list of what his problems were not. Eventually, they agreed to a full genetic panel and that identified his problem. What I’m trying to say is, try not to worry yourself sick wondering. We could never have imagined that mobility problems starting at age 50 could be caused be a faulty gene inherited from both parents. I wish you luck with all your forthcoming tests x

kittyflowers profile image

Interesting. Who did you manage to convince to do the full genetic panel please?

Twaddletop profile image
Twaddletop in reply to kittyflowers

I’m so sorry I’ve just seen your question. It took years of visiting neurology before they admitted defeat. One neurologist had said from the beginning that a full panel was required but due to the cost it was unlikely to be carried out on his recommendation x

kittyflowers profile image
kittyflowers in reply to Twaddletop

Yes, persistence is probably key.My neurologist has signed me off and says everything ok and given me Pregabalin.

Twaddletop profile image
Twaddletop in reply to kittyflowers

I don’t know what to say to you Kitty except I’m sorry you’ve been dismissed like that. I have spinal stenosis and have been lucky enough to have a neurosurgeon who takes time and care to explain his decisions. The left hand side of my body is being compromised and a spinal decompression operation is on the horizon. It makes such a difference when you’re treated as a person not a defective body. I hope you find the help you need somehow soon.

kittyflowers profile image

Sorry Zc66 my last reply then should have gone to Twaddletop, apologies

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