On the B12 methylcobalamin spray, the question is, if you do to much in a day, can your B12 drop, so you wake up the next day with less energy again.
B12 low energy the next day - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 low energy the next day

I do. Trying to pace for the smallest of tasks.
If you absorbing b12 in a spray or tablet would you not then be able to store b12??
I may be wrong but I thought if absorbing in an oral form you can store it if you have PA or an absorbtion problem needing injections you cant
If that is the case you should have reserve to call upon.
I'm sure if this is wrong I will soon be corrected .
Taking too much B12 can not make your levels drop.
Some people have an adverse reaction to methylcobalamin. Try oral cyanocobalamin. It works just as well as methylcobalamin and you get just as much absorbed.
No, using too much wouldn’t cause your levels to drop, if anything they would go up. I and many others haven’t done well with methyl b12, I would recommend trying cyano. And then if that doesn’t work, you may need to have injections. If you have pa, I’d recommend this.
Hi Felix666! Wynshield Wabbit here! 🤪 (lol!) About some of the info on the question asked... Whether you take B12 orally in pill form, as a spray or by Injections, what a lot of people often don't understand, misunderstand & even a lot of times don't know, (as well as plenty of the doctors out there!), is that 1) B12 is a VERY IMPORTANT VITAMIN!! NOT A DRUG AT ALL, OF ANY KIND!! YES! VITAMIN!! IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT VITAMIN THE BODY NEEDS EVERY DAY TO FUNCTION PROPERLY & DOCTORS DON'T EVEN KNOW THE FULL EXTENT OF EVERYTHING B12 DOES FOR THE BODY EVERY DAY!! 2) B12 is WATER SOLUBLE! That means the body will use what it needs & whatever it doesn't, it flushes out if the system! So there's NO SUCH THING AS TAKING "TOO MUCH B12"!! If you are taking it in a spray & think you're taking too much of it through out the day & yet, the next day you're still tired, you're not taking too much at all!! Your body is probably trying to tell you that the method you're using to deliver the B12 into your system just isn't quite working for you & you're actually not getting enough of the b12 your body needs to not feel tired because if you were getting the right amount that your body needed to feel ok, you wouldn't be feeling tired the next day! Everyone is different! Everyone's body decides for itself how much B12 it requires to feel good & which deliver system works the best for itself! Because B12 is water soluble, it doesn't stay in the body but a couple of days! I would recommend experimenting a bit with the different types of B12 & see how your body reacts! Try Injections for a few month & compare results & see what works best for you & try different amounts of B12 & see how you feel! If you listen carefully to what your body is telling you, It will tell you what kind of b12 work best, at what level & how many times a month, day or week your body needs to stay healthy & feeling good! Everyone's bodies don't store B12 in any form & regardless of which form a person takes it in, it's just not possible to take too much, or " overdose" on it cuz it's a Vitamin! Not a drug what so ever!! I would experiment, try different ways & listen to your body! It will tell you what you need to talk. Some people need a higher dose to feel good, others don't. With some, Injections are the best method, other~ a spray, others~ a pill. Everyone is different! Your body will let you know what, how much & when it needs what to feel better! All you have to do is experiment & pay a little bit attention & it'll tell you everything you need to know! Good luck!
“Everyone's bodies don't store B12 in any form & regardless of which form a person takes it in, it's just not possible to take too much, or " overdose" on it cuz it's a Vitamin! ”
In fact the liver stores about four year’s worth of B12 for normal people.
It is certainly possible to take too much of some vitamins. Too much B6 can cause nerve damage. Too much Vitamin A is fatal.
B12 is safe, not because it is a vitamin, not because it is water soluble, but because it is inherently safe.