My B12 is over the roof but I have most of the symptoms of B12 deficiency. My red blood platelets are within top of the range. Waking up with anxiety lately. I am dealing with anxiety most of my life. Lately having inside tremmor feeling. Idk what kind of B12 injection should I be taking. My doctor doesn't want to prescribe it.
How to get diagnosis? : My B12 is over... - Pernicious Anaemi...
How to get diagnosis?
Why is your B12 so high?
What symptoms do you have?
The symptoms of a B12 deficiency overlap with many other things. Why are you so sure it's B12 when your levels are sky high?
Idk why it's high. I have over 1000.
Stoped supplementing month before test. I was taking 1mg methyled.
Then why my red blood cells are large?
I also have low white blood cells since I remember.
I started to have internal shakiness, always dealing with depression, anxiety, somethimes I have calf pains, crawling feeling on my skin (it begun a year ago). I was speaking with author of thyroid books (he's in contact with someone from uk that doing research about B12 deficiency). He said I might have pernicous anemia since in my blood B12 is high but I might have deficite in cells and so B12 circulating in my blood.
I also have symptoms of hypothyroidism and low cortisol + had a lot of stress lately so maybe this symptoms are from that. Idk what to do. Scared noone will diagnose B12 deficiency since is so high and then I will have nerve problems ect or I will not recover from other health issues
Your B12 levels are high because you took oral supplements. It takes much more than a month for levels to drop significantly.
That oral B12 raised your levels. So you do not have an absorption problem, do not have Pernicious Anaemia and do not need injections.
How large are your red cells? That can also be caused by a folate deficiency. What are your levels,
my B12 - 1044 pg/ml (norm 191 - 663)
my folic acid - 14,66 (norm 4,60 - 18,70)
MCH, MCV and RDW-CV are almost in the end of the range and MPV is low.
Really have a look at That will give you everything you need - including what is worthwhile asking your general doc about (not much really). Serum b12 tests are notoriously inaccurate and to be at all meaningful you need to be looking at active b12 rather than total b12
Thank you! So by active B12 you mean methylmalonic acid (mma)? This test will show do I have enough B12 in cells or tissues? How about holotranscobalamin?
Active B12 is the same thing as holotranscobalamin.
MMA is a different test altogether and would, if the result is raised, indicate that B12 is not getting where needed into your cells.
Serum B12 tests may be somewhat inaccurate, but not enough to mistake 1044 pg/mL as deficient. That value is sky high.
I have talked here with ppl being deficient with B12 on a cellurar level while having sky high B12 serum. How do you explain that?
I think it's because they are receiving injections because their first test showed very low levels. Mine was 114 after years of suffering, I have always had a very good diet and we knew that b12 wasn't absorbing. Now that I am self-injecting every other day I am managing to keep reasonably well. My levels are now reading high but I totally know that I need the injections because i cannot absorb tablet form. You obviously can absorb and that is why your levels are high without having to have injections. That's what I think?