Where in the UK can you buy ampules
Where in the UK can you buy ampules
You can't.
Most of us here buy from Germany.
100 ampoules versandapo.de/vitamin-b12-d...
10 ampoules. versandapo.de/vitamin-b12-d...
If you use the Chrome browser it will offer to translate from German.
Set up an Amazon account to make signing in and payment a doddle.
I just put B12 ampoules into Ebay search and I bought them. Then went on Amazon and bought needles. I was surprised how easy it was.
Hi, thanks very much for these links. When I tried to order I got to the shopping basket and it seemed to be saying (in German) that delivery address had to be in Germany. Have you ordered for delivery to the UK recently? I wonder if this is a recent change?
Like many others, I have PA but have been told by surgery no B12 jabs are being given at the moment.
Always good to have more than one source . Also available from
bodfeld-apotheke.de . Click on Union Jack top right for English translation . I always recommend registering at the pharmacies . Search for Rotexmedica B12 depot or use the reference number 03862297 for a packet of 10 or multiples thereof. Or reference number 03862305 for 100 ( 10 x 10 packets ) I’ll send you a help sheet .
advice from the PAS for those who are experiencing problems with GPs suspending injections
also this article from a GP trying to explain why injections shouldn't be withdrawn
Oxford Biosciences Ltd
Do they sell ampoules? Are they single-dose?
They sell metil. Please, email them to find out about dosage. Thanks
So far as I can see, they sell methylcobalamin as a dry powder.
Ampoules are (usually) single-dose, ready-to-inject glass containers.
In the UK water for injections is regarded as a Prescription-only Medicine so reconstituing dry B12 (of any sort) will likely still be a problem.