Self injecting
Can someone give me details of the what exactly and where I should get the things I need to self inject. I have the b12 but have no idea re injections.
Also is there a recommended link for how to do this..
Thank you
Self injecting
Can someone give me details of the what exactly and where I should get the things I need to self inject. I have the b12 but have no idea re injections.
Also is there a recommended link for how to do this..
Thank you
There isn't a recommended link ... and this definitely isn't official PAS advice
I would suggest injecting subcutaneously rather than IM and using insulin needles. Popular supplier for these in the UK is Medisave
this is an example
There are a lot of videos on You-tube showing how to inject.
The most difficult thing is getting the phial open and extracting the B12. There should be a dot on the top of the phial indicating the weekpoint. Hold the phial in your hand and press backwith your thumb until it snaps open. You can invert the phial to get to the B12 - its designed so that the B12 doesn't run out.
Thank you very much fir your reply. Is sub c effective? I guess it must be.
Intramuscular injection every other day is more effective if you have neurological symptoms. It is not usually painful and is easy to do. The uptake from subcutaneous injections is much slower so does no get the very high blood B12 levels that appear to be needed to heal the myeline sheath.
Getting hydroxocobalamin from Europe would appear to be impossible because of either the coronavirus pandemic or it might be Brexit.
Yes, there is a recommended link (well, it's recommended by me). Check out wedgewood 's posts.
Try this one -
amazon, my G.P. refused to prescribe needles and syringes. 2ml blue XX jac