I was talking to a friend today re Vit D overdose. They thought it was pretty unlikely that oral overdose was possible unless given in massive amounts. We both thought that intake via natural sunlight was pretty safe, apart from other obvious UV dangers. I seem to remember that I had read somewhere that caution was advised with vitamins that were not water soluble. I’d be grateful if someone could clarify re the dangers of D3 over supplementation......or not. Thanks in advance
Over supplementing with Vit D - Pernicious Anaemi...
Over supplementing with Vit D

The NHS says...
“Taking too many vitamin D supplements over a long period of time can cause too much calcium to build up in the body (hypercalcaemia). This can weaken the bones and damage the kidneys and the heart.
If you choose to take vitamin D supplements, 10 micrograms a day will be enough for most people.
Don't take more than 100 micrograms of vitamin D a day as it could be harmful. This applies to adults, including pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly, and children aged 11 to 17 years.”
“You cannot overdose on vitamin D through exposure to sunlight. But always remember to cover up or protect your skin if you're out in the sun for long periods to reduce the risk of skin damage and skin cancer.”
Thanks for that , but I’m surprised that the NHS report didn’t mention that vitamin K2 should be taken with D3 to prevent build up and arterial calcification . Combined supplements are best . And yes , it’s not good to take huge amounts .
I take a combined high dose Vitamin D and Calcium supplement as I have Osteoporosis (I am only 50 and went into early menopause). I also take oral Vitamin B12 and Magnesium.
Is 25ug equal to 25mcg ?
But you might find this document of some interest to understand and confirm:
"I’m surprised that the NHS report didn’t mention that vitamin K2 should be taken with D3 to prevent build up and arterial calcification"
Until you consider the NHS approach to B12... And then you are much less surprised!!
It's mad and maddening, isn't it?
My very shrunken 80 year old Aunt has just broken her leg, without any trauma (just walking around town) and while the only sensible explanation is osteoporosis, we couldn't get her a DEXA scan to check bone density or any treatment for osteoporosis while she was in hospital. We have to wait until it has healed and then get the GP to send us back for testing and treatment!
On her return home she was prescribed vitamin D (only - no K2 and it could well be just D2 [I haven't had a chance to check yet]).
No dietary checks, no calcium, no precipitant, no K2, no scan - nothing to help the healing and reduce the chance of her breaking the other one or something else while she is having to hop around on the other leg (she has a full leg cast and is not allowed to put it to the ground at all!) - I despaire!
That’s shocking deniseinmilden 😕 I’m currently looking to change GP’s after a catalogue of disasters involving blood test results, but unsure how to avoid jumping out of the frying pan into the fire 😕
Change planets? You might be lucky with a different country... But I doubt it!
It's a significant problem, isn't it!
Yes, 3 different GP’s have ignored blood results with an exclamation mark next to them, even when queried, saying they weren’t concerned about levels and all 3 insisted on retesting b12 while supplementing and not picked up on the fact that although high, levels are not rising despite supplementing. I guess the only hope is that Germany continue to supply to the U.K. 🙄
That's appalling! x
Yes, apparently the signs indicating high levels of inflammation ‘might just be something else such as allergy!’ ‘Here take these steroids Mrs B in case it’s polymyalgia’........despite my notes saying Do not treat with steroids due to retinal tears!
I’m just unsure of how to go about changing.......just in case of emergencies. Anything else is clearly not worth wasting my time over 😕
There's always A&E for significant emergencies.
I usually do what I can for myself and if not I ask a vet! Once I've got a sensible idea I then go to the Dr's with specific instructions as to my problem - and then am clear with them about the desired outcome.
Also remember that calcium supplementation can reduce iron absorption, so it is suggested that IF you take iron as part of your daily routine, you should not take both at the same time as it can reduce iron uptake by as much as 50%. Take one in the morning and the other at night.