My ferritine was 59ug/dl 2 weeks ago. I have been having my periods for 5 days every 28 days for years. My doc gave me iron supplement once a day. I have been taking it for 2 weeks. I took a blood test 2 days ago and the results showed my iron is low.. 47ug/dl. How is it possible if I am taking 2 weeks of iron supplement???? I have never taking supplements before imn my life. Now I have been taking b12 and iron ....So, have been taking 300mcg of b12. Metyl for 2 weeks as well.. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT B12 supplement is depleting my iron? Sorry my english. I am from Brazil.
Low iron: My ferritine was 59ug/dl... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Low iron

It takes time to raise iron levels.
I thought b12 injections were depleting iRon too. I think and am told on here that if you have trouble absorbing b13 you may well have problems absorbing iron.
Thank you for responding my answer. Anyway I am still not sure if I can take b12 supplement with Iron supplement since my iron is low. My b12 is not that low. It is 417ug/dl.
I have both . B12 injections and anot iron supplement.
If your b12 in range are you having defiency symptoms?
In december 2017 to february 2018 my b 12 was low (228) and I started to get some symptons related to b12 deficiency. I got some supplements like 25mcg a day ( it is a low number but in my case it resolved ) and in 2 months I was fine again (457). My iron was always not so high because I have moderate periods in my entire life since 13 years old. Even that, the docs have never given me iron supplements in my whole life until this november 2019 when a doc decided to give me some. The problem is at the same time I have taken b12 300 mcg a day with 100mg of iron. Now for 14 days..The iron was prescribed by the doctor but the b12 I just decided to take without doc advise. I have been taken both for 14 day s.. and in between I had my period for 7 days and I went to a blood test which my b12 improved from 355 to 417 and my iron went down from 59 to 47 which I got worried since I have taken iron supplement for 14 days. So, I decided today to stop taking b12. I just continue taking iron ( NEUTROFER) I just heard that iron takes time to go up because I have moderate period every 28 days. So, I am not sure if it is about my period, b12 supplement or something else.

B12 supplement won't have any effect on your iron status.
There are two things that will cause iron deficiency - excessive bleeding or an absorption problem.
This forum isn't actually about iron deficiency - or even really about anaemia but it is abouta specific auto-immune disorder which attacks the mechanism that allows you to absorb B12.
One effect of the B12 deficiency that results is a specific type of anaemia in which red blood cells are larger and rounder than normal.
Iron deficiency leads to a type of anaemia in which your cells are smaller than normal.
The effects of PA can also affect the absorption of other vitamins and minerals - notably folate and iron which is why iron can get mentioned on this forum.
Ferritin is only one measure of iron status. Its quite a good one but it doesn't tell the whole story. Also tests may not be 100% accurate - I don't know what the accuracy of the ferritin test is but it may be that the difference you have between the two results is not significant.
I suggest that, if you can you talk to your doctor. If that isn't possible then the pharmacist that despensed the iron supplements may be able to advise you.
Thank you so much for your advise dear. In february 2018 because my b12 was low the doc prescribed me some blood test to check Intrinsic factor antibodies ( I believe it was the name). It came fine. I believe my problem was I had not eaten meat for many many years ....or at least it was very rare in my case to eat meat
Contrary to some previous replies I believe this may help you