I am interested to hear if anyone has noticed any changes in skin due to PA? I am sure I read somewhere about the development of white spots on the skin - however, I cannot remember where I read this! (perhaps imagined?) I have had a consultation with a neurologist - MRI and Nerve Conduction tests are being arranged to try to find the possible cause of neuropathy in hands and feet. B12 /PA was mentioned as I took it upon myself to ask if this could be the reason for neuropathy. My B12 has continued to decrease over the years . It now stands at 233 and I am still classed as ‘normal’ I appreciate that to be ‘deficient ‘ according to guidelines, the result needs to be lower but, if I carry on like this I don’t think I will be able to function at all for very much longer.
The consultant mentioned the word ‘malabsorption’ as I said my diet includes good sources of B12.