This is a bit of a test as it is actually my first post here.
I am a New Zealander who was diagnosed with PA (IF Positive) in Jan 2016. I have found little information in one place about the diagnosis and treatment of PA and other forms of B12 deficiency in NZ, including the medical protocols and guidelines used, availability of B12 for injections etc. Instead, there appears to be a lack of knowledge on the part of some medics here plus a lot of misinformation - eg that B12 for injection is available by prescription only, when in fact it is classified for general sales and available over the counter.
So, now that I am feeling like part of the human race again, I am determined to put together information about the B12 situation here in NZ for fellow Kiwis. More on this in another post sometime soon.
Anyway, as part of the research I have been doing, I have looked back at the history of the identification etc of Vitamin B12 as an anti-pernicious anaemia factor back in the 1940s by Dr Karl August Folkers and others at the Merck Laboratories in the US, and by others at the Glaxo Laboratories in the UK.
I found that Wikipedia was a bit short on details but then found this wonderful article which I thought I would put up here for anyone else interested. Not everyone's hottest subject, but there may be one or two other tragics!
[Actually there are a few books on Dr Folkers etc that go into more detail, but I am not quite THAT interested.]
PS - I would be really pleased if any other NZers on this forum got in touch with me through this forum - preferably by the private Direct Message facility. Just go to your profile on the top bar; click and then select Messages. You are then able to 'email' me as Deuto.
I know there are a few other NZers here who post and comment, but I also suspect there are some who joined up but have never posted or commented.