Hi all,
I haven't posted for a while as I thought I was on the up! However, maintaining good health it seems is always complicated and I wondered whether anyone could help me out with the benefit of their experience with PA.
I was diagnosed with PA last year. I started loading doses in the summer of every other day for three weeks (although there was a 2 week gap between weeks 1 and 2 due to a holiday). I have been on average 6 - 8 week injections since this time. Previous to my diagnosis I did have fatigue, bad moods, a feeling of being off balance, slight memory problems, some tingling (all over) and slight numbness in hands and feet over night. The issue has always been knowing whether the tingling all over (sometimes crawling sometimes like needles) is related to B12 or my life-long panic disorder. I have had bouts of tingling like that once about 20 years ago, and more frequent experiences in the past few years, and they usually resolved. A neurologist I have seen thinks it is anxiety, but has only tested for large fibre neuropathy, not small fibre which this is more likely to be. It was difficult to tell with the loading doses whether the tingling improved because it seemed to get worse with the injections. It has subsided and returned a couple of times over the year, and certainly did not seem to resolve directly after 6 weekly injections or get worse heading towards the next one.
Since this time I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It has damaged my thyroid as it showed in a scan for something else, but my TSH is only just over the range, so I am sub-clinically hypothyroid. This could possibly cause tingling, but I thought the disease would need to be more progressed. My panic disorder has been plaguing me since last year. Now I find myself with tingling all over again, legs, arms, face, mouth, and now some touch hypersensitivity (a bit like hyperesthesia a type of small fibre neuropathy which I have just discovered can be a result of B12 deficiency) to temperature. This is worse than before my diagnosis for PA. I am a few days off my next B12 injections the second of a longer 8 week period. So I am again wondering whether this is B12 or anxiety or both. I don't feel fatigued or have any of the other symptoms I had before (memory problems). In fact apart from the tingling I feel reasonably well. I checked my active B12 level last week out of interest and it was 56.4 pool/L (range 37.5-188) this seems low to me. Should I be maintaining it at a higher level, even near to a next injection?
So I wondered whether anyone has experience this kind of tingling with B12 that is not confined to the hands and feet (peripheral neuropathy)?
If it is caused by a lack of B12 wouldn't the symptoms subside directly after an injection?
Can you have neurological tingling symptoms only with a lack of B12, without fatigue and the other range of symptoms?
If I need more B12 is it better to do some loading doses again, or just to increase the frequency to perhaps once a month?
I really don't want to self inject if possible as I am a bit of a coward, but have considered it previously so have all the stuff.
Sorry for the long post. My GP is reasonably helpful but it is good to hear from people who have PA.
Many thanks.