After my first initial load I’ve been injecting cyanocobalamin monthly for 6 months. My only initial symptom was a sore tongue. Not sure why I would start having pins and needles ALL day now when I never had them before treatment. Also can anybody shed light on why when I first wake up I experience EXTREME fatigue. After I get out of bed it goes away.
Morning fatigue : After my first... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Morning fatigue

You need to see a neurologist for your pins and needles. There are many possible causes.
I, too started getting them after I started my B12 treatment. It turned out to be totally unrelated.
I am thinking the pins and needles are a side effect of the b12 medication. I can think of no other reason that I am getting these “ zingers “ . My question is do you think it could be the b12 medication or could it be nerves that hadn’t yet been symptomatic waking up with the introduction of B 12?
It could be but as fbirder has mentioned, there are many possible causes and so best advice is that you should see a neurologist.
Everyone is different & even though many of my symptoms vanished after regular injections over a few months, some of the Neurological damage got worse.
Pins & needles in fingers & burning tingling feet got much worse. My burning feet have now turned painful when walking. I cannot wait to take my shoes off now, certain footwear is more bearable but I'm seeing a podiatrist in July to see if they can recommend something to help.
Pins & needles in fingers has improved though.
Hope things improve for you soon
It is relatively common for people to experience a worsening of paresthesia (the tingling) when they first start taking B12 after a prolonged deficiency. clivealive has a great analogy: As your nerves start failing the body 'turns the volume up' to compensate. When the B12 starts repairing the nerve damage then it takes a while for the body to turn the volume down again. But it shouldn't last six months.
Apart from this I've never heard of B12 making nerve damage worse. Especially when there was none present before treatment.
The 'zingers' sounds just like what I suffer - I blame the invisible needle-wielding gnome that stabs my feet when I'm watching TV in the evening. It used to be very bad, requiring codeine to get me to sleep some nights.
I saw two neurologists about it. The first told be various things that it wasn't. The expert told me what it was and how it will progress (very slowly getting worse).
I take gabapentin to keep most of the pain down and alpha-lipoic acid which made the gnome a lot less active (no codeine needed now). It still feels like walking on gravel most day, but I no longer have days where it feels as if I'm walking on broken glass.
I'm not 100% sure that the injections are causing your pins and needles, they are common symptoms as is the tingling tongue, B12 deficiency has many sly tricks I seem to be getting more as time has gone on, I have all those symptoms and recently had the constant high pitch whistling sensation in my ears, and getting short of breath, I had the loading doses and I'm currently on a 3 monthly cycle, but I don't feel this is enough, I recently had a blood test done and was prescribed folic acid, it's important to keep on top of these symptoms and I don't think that the medical profession takes this seriously enough, it's a constant battle and it can affect your mindset, so all in all worth noting any other symptoms along the way, good luck.
Thank you all for your insight.
Make sure you are getting enough B12 and supporting supplements for optimum healing to occur.
All the processes for making new cells, nerve function and energy release that B12 is used for need many things to work properly.
Are you possibly short of anything else that may be limiting how well the extra B12 can work? It may be worth getting your magnesium and potassium levels checked as well as folate.
You may benefit from a broad spectrum multivitamin and mineral supplement plus extra folate, potassium, magnesium and iron, maybe vitamin D, ideally from your diet.
Do try to find a solution to it - symptoms are your body's way of telling you something is wrong and needs fixing.
Good luck with finding out what it is!
Μorning fatiqueis is the n1 symptom in sleep problems