Feeling a snap in my chest. And other... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Feeling a snap in my chest. And other symptoms.

HolisticJoy profile image
1 Reply


Someone adviced me to post my story here.

I'm from holland. I have hypo en hashimoto. Have bad symptoms since 8 months. It was getting a little bit better but since a little week ago it become worse.

I was standing in the shower feeling a bit dizzy and weak in my legs. When I bend over I suddenly feel a snap in my chest. As something ripped. Immediatley I feel like i was going to faint. Racing heart, lightheaded. I called the emergency line, but when the symptoms stopped they decided not to come. I went to my doctor and she couldn't find anything.

Because I was anxious about all of this I decided to call the emergency line again the next morning and they did come this time. In the hospital they did an ECG and some bloodwork, they couldn't find anything and was sent home.

Also went to a orthomanual therapist (similar to a chiropractor) He said it could have been a nerve leads to the heart.

Since 2 days I feel completey exhausted. After a shower or do some cleaning I feel like i'm going to pass out. Dizzy, really heavy legs, extreme tired. But the most strange part is i'm getting emotional, depressed and angry after this kind of activities. When I lie done for some time it fade away.

I sleep very bad the last days and my stress level is high for a long time. The last two weeks I have also new symptoms as diarrea and a feeling some kind of pressure in my face, nose and teeth.

I have to take care of my son but can't do much.

The snap in my chest is also still concerning me.

Hope to find some help Here. Thank you ❤

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Runnerlove profile image

Hi. My goodness you are describing what I felt a year ago. I heard popping and snapping in my upper clavicle. Sinus area too. Very dizzy and bad headaches. Then I had balance problems, panic attacks bad case of anxiety, insomnia, felt like i could not get enough air in my lungs. You name it. I even lost 30 lbs. was in and out of emergency and no dr could figure out what was wrong with me. That is until I came to this forum and heard of people having similar symptoms. I decided to go back through all my lab work and spotted my b12 levels were low. 3 months after my initial severe reaction they were 332 with range of 155-655. The dr says they’re fine it’s in range. But I felt aweful. Can not even walk more than 5 minutes without getting dizzy and loosing balance. It was end July this year when I connected the dots and had to go pay privately to get b12 tested through naturopath. Now 9 months later since last test my levels are 423. What had changed just my diet. Previous to being sick I worked out 2-3 hours hard in gym and was very stressed at school and work.

This week I’m begining b12 shots. So I will update on my condition as it goes. Also if you haven’t already get all vitamin levels checked. My magnesium was very low end of range. Again dr said it’s fine but clearly it’s not. I ad tons of neurological symptoms this entire year although they are reducing and improving everyday. I started eating meats again and especially more b12 foods like organic beef liver and tons of green veggies as well as bone marrow broth.

Please go get your levels checked I fear I suffered through so much needlessly because of incompetent dr. Even when I told him what the problem was he would not listen nor give me b12 shots. This is after ruling out brain tumor, MS and a crap load of other illnesses.

Read the documents on b12 deficiency that are on the page sorry I don’t know how to link yet. Only been here 2 weeks and it’s been a saving grace. If it wasn’t for this site and the people who kindly share info I would not have known what was wrong with me and fear I would be ill for much longer. I know now my deficiency was due to both stress and diet as I’ve had done many test to rule out Hashimoto, thyroid etc.

Welcome to the group you’ll find it very informative. Best of luck.

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