Well it's been a while, but here I am still alive and getting better and better.
the pain I have subsided by about 70% and the burning sensation through my body is hardly nonexistent.
Sight improved.
Conditioning improved.
Three months into treatment. Still have allot of tingling going on. Neurological symptoms may improve over the following years, I do hope so.
One thing that still is a nightmare is the insomnia.
I eat clonazepam 0.5mg and 150mg trazodone. I'm now dependant on the clonazepam and like to wean off. Think I'm gonna give seroquel a chance, a dangerous choice, but the inability to sleep drives me nuts for the past months.
Still I'm able to hit the gym aerobic exercises 1 hour to one and half. Before wouldn't last 5 minutes.
Also do yoga, mindfulness. Wim hof method.
Problem, I'm traumatized by the situation over nearing my death and pain from the defeciency. Think that's why I can't sleep for the main part. The pain was mostly during night time a hassle and my body still seems to panic about this.
Things are much better, hope just to beat this damn insomnia. I'm able to enjoy life again though, before I just wanted to die every second.
B12 injections saved my life.