Hello, I have not posted for a few months. Sorry if this sounds long winded but I really need help. B12 deficient diagnosed 2 years, 2 injections weekly. My condition has been worsening over the last months. I had an appointment with Neurologist in late February, she diagnosed peripheral neuropathy and arranged nerve conductor test. she prescribed Amitriptyline. Within days I was talking suicide. I came off those, my GP prescribed pregabain. Again bad side effects and came off these. GP then prescribed Gabapentin, which I have been afraid to take. The nerve conductor test showed:
Sensory response: Attenuated in bilateral peroneal and absent in bilateral sural nerves. Within normal in bilateral median and attenuated in bilateral ulnar nerves.
Motor response normal
EMG Normal
The neurologist doing the test reported that although I had symptoms of peripheral neuropathy they were more in keeping with small fibre neuropathy.
My symptoms had not improved really even with the b12 and I now believe it is the small fibre nerves which are causing these excruciating symptoms. Over the last few months the symptoms have gathered speed. The sensations have moved up to behind knee. Burning, stabbing, ice cold, like razor blades up and down,legs cramping, spastic toes, also the banding at ankles and wrinkly socks sensation in feet and now up at knee. The symptoms now in arms and hands. Really worried about hands now as I have not been able to make my work. Burning now in face and tongue and throat. Burning and nettle pain, very dry eyes. I have just started taking evening primrose capsules, benothiamine, along with my D3, multi vitamin and my injections. Please does anyone know any medication or vitamins which can ease this pain as I am in constant agony and just cry all the time. I believe there is no treatment for small fibre nerves and it is progressive, I am really worried. If anyone has had similar symptoms and able give me advice or information or to find anything to ease pain, please let me know. Thank you so much. Potter5