B12 level 223. Doctor prescribed 2500 mcg sublingual once daily. Been taking for about a month and feel worse. Just want to sleep...is that normal?
So sleepy...: B12 level 223. Doctor... - Pernicious Anaemi...
So sleepy...

what type of B12 is in the tablets? If methyl may be worth trying to get hold of some adenosyl to supplement and see if that helps ... or switching to cyano/hydoroxo.
Some people also find that high dose sublinguals don't work for them - may be that you need injections.
ok - sounds like sublinguals probably aren't going to work for you. Do you think your doctor would be willing to try injections instead. Assuming you are based in the US - seeing a growing number of instances of insurance companies not allowing injections - many people are okay with tablets and sublinguals but there are some people who just aren't so this causes them problems.
Medicare apparently doesn't think 223 is low enough. :-(.
Have the checked your homocysteine levels. If they are high it could indicate functional B12 deficiency. Which would mean that you body will not absorb b12 from the blood, an injection would be the only way to get B12 into your body.
Thank you for your reply. Neuroligist ran several blood tests about 3 weeks ago. I really don't know what they were. Have appt with him next week. Hopefully I'll find out then. He suspects PA due to neuropathy issues and low B12 (223) from a test in January that my primary doctor ran. Thanks, again.
Forgot to mention I'm also hypothyroid. Have read on this board it's not uncommon to have PA and hypothyroidism.
Definitely not uncommon! Unfortunately I have both, and because the symptoms are similar it was hard to get a diagnosis. It sounds as though you need injections though. I do hope you will get them.
Thanks for your reply. One thing I find different from my hypothyroid symptoms is losing my balance. I walk like I'm drunk ... and I don't even drink. Lol. Have you experienced that?
Thanks! Glad injections helping you. Hopefully, I'll be able to get them,too.