Tested low for b12 - 178 (187-800) last June and been on 3 monthly jabs since. Tried yet again to get them more frequently today as the tingly hands, poor memory and skin crawling feeling seems to return before my next injection is due. Doctor said a few things that puzzled me and wondered if anyone could clarify or advise what to do next. Have an appointment for yet another b12 test and if it's not low then she will send me to neurologist to investigate symptoms.
She said:
1. The guidelines suggesting every 8 weeks for neurological issues are old (she said 1990s). When I said the cks site was updated in 2015 she said there was no clinical evidence for increasing frequency
2. Apparently having the injections more frequently will have no effect
3. She said if I had seen her rather than another doc originally she would have never treated with injections as 178 is not even low
4. She said as I had never been anaemic (never had clinically low haemoglobin) then I can't have an issue with b12 and definitely don't have pernicious anaemia
When I questioned how the injections made me feel better she said it was psychological. When I said the crawling feeling on my skin getting so bad I wake up covered in scratches where I have tried to scratch them off in my sleep she said it was psychological.
I just don't know what to do next. My boyfriend has offered to inject me. Is there any point continuing with nhs investigations?