Hello. I have a treated case of Pernicious Anaemia. (Having injections for c. 2 years. I am 38). I have just been tested for iron which was found to be very low (8?) Along with a range of other things (haemoglobin, liver function, red/white blood cells and more...) which were all fine. Wish I'd asked for a printout but I forgot.
Bit perplexed because I am male, and apparently iron deficiency is quite rare in men. It's also perhaps strange that my haemoglobin levels were good but the iron levels were the only thing that was low.
The doctor wasn't really sure but asked me a few questions and felt my abdomen etc and couldn't see anything obvious.
So I'm asking you good people if anyone has any knowledge or experience of a link between iron deficiency and (treated) PA in men. E.g - could it be an absorption problem associated with the gastritis?
Obviously my mind jumps to the worst case scenario which is something like colon cancer.
Many thanks in advance for any help or advice.