Update from Locum app and urgent advi... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Update from Locum app and urgent advice on R-lipoid Acid

potter5 profile image
16 Replies

Hello, I wrote a few months ago was feeling very unwell with my neuro symptoms, Had an app with new locum. Turned out she was lovely. Listened to me, didn't type during consultation and without me having to ask suggested further bloods for thyroid and antibodies. If needed she would start medication. She also asked if I would consider acupuncture as she was a member of British acupuncture Council and could treat. She obtained some funding from practice and I had two sessions. The treatment was painless, sadly it did nothing to ease my symptoms. I am due to go back next week to see her again. Now big worry. I have been taking multi vitamins which contain Alpha Lipoic Acid the past year. Seventy tablets in total 50mg of ALA in each. I had looked into and bought a few days ago, R-Lipoic Acid 200mg capsules. I took two of these yesterday. I had done lots of research and thought them to be just what I needed to ease my symptoms seem to be worsening. Sadly last night after taking the second capsule I noticed some links about mercury fillings and that ALA moved the mercury from the fillings to cells and brain. I have a mouth full of mercury fillings and now terrified I have given myself another major problem and wondering if the multi vitamin has worsened my symptoms and larger dose done much damage.I am so frightened. When you have no one to turn to and trying to treat yourself, things may go wrong, Please can anyone who has used this or knows about RALA and mercury fillings give me some sound advice or hopefully reassurance. Apologies for long post and thank you in advance.


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potter5 profile image
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16 Replies
Peetzil profile image

Hi potter5

Oh I’ve been taking this too as per Grain Brain protocol, but have 3 large mercury filling! Didn’t realise re connection so thanks for highlighting it. Was planning to ask my dentist at next appt about removal of amalgams. I will stop AlA meantime 😬I think tho from what I’ve read you can detox from mercury but long process that will take time. It’s awful when you realise that you may have gone down the wrong path isn’t it, however at least you know now. Hopefully you can discuss with your Dr at next appt & then take it from there. You sound very proactive, so no doubt will do whatever you need to get back to good health. All the best & let us know how you get on🙂

potter5 profile image
potter5 in reply to Peetzil

Hi Peetzil, thank you for your reply. My symptoms have not been getting better even though I have 2b12 injections weekly. Perhaps the low dose ALA in multi vitamin has ben leeching out mercury and preventing improvement. I am just so distressed at myself. I am always researching, not well enough in this instance,and now fear further decline in neurological symptoms. Glad you are stopping ALA for now. I just wish I had read up more before the two capsules yesterday. Feel like crying all the time now at potentially making myself worse. I hope your symptoms continue to improve. Thank you again. Best regards.

Gambit62 profile image

Unfortunately the research on mercury fillings and potential toxicity is far from presenting a conclusive picture of what the hazards may be.

There are two forms of mercury - organic and in-organic - it is the organic form that really causes the damage as it can get into parts of the body that in-organic can't get into.

Ironically, many of the things that get associated with a high risk of mercury poisoning from fillings are also substances that seem to be quite good at removing heavy metals like mercury from your system - this is the case with methylcobalamin from research I've done in the past. It would also appear to be the case with alpha lipoic acid - though the main benefits there seem to be in relation to lead poisoning from this article (section 4.4.1)


I'm sorry that this doesn't give you a clear answer to your question - I'm not sure that there really is going to be one, though I'd be inclined to come down on the side of very unlikely to be a problem.

potter5 profile image
potter5 in reply to Gambit62

Thank you Gambit. I am just so frightened I have done myself harm and I am so tired of trying to fight my condition on my own. I depend on this site so much for support and advice. Wish I had just mentioned it here before taking RALA but was so desperate for some sort of treatment. I will speak to Locum about this next week. Hope she has some knowledge. Thank you again for responding. Best wishes.

Polaris profile image

I'd recommend the book, 'Why isn't my Brain Working", potter, written by Dr K, a leading neurologist and lecturer - now doing research at Harvard.

It will answer most of your questions re. Mercury and ALA, which he recommends to increase L- glutathione, along with N-acetylcysteine and L-glutamine. This helps to reduce the chance of chemical intolerance or autoimmunity.

Glutathione is a safe chelator - "nutrients that support glutathione levels and recycling have been shown to chelate and excrete heavy metals from the body without displacing them into other tissues, such as the brain".

"Intracellular glutathione is important because it is the main antioxidant for mitrochindria, the little factories inside each cell that convert nutrients into energy. This is crucial because the degenerative process of an autoimmune disease destroys the mitochondria in affected cells, such as thyroid tissue in Hashimoto's or nerve sheath tissue in brain degenerative disorders."

It's not recommended that mercury fillings are removed.

potter5 profile image
potter5 in reply to Polaris

Hello Polaris, thank you for reply and this information. I am so distressed at myself for taking this. I don't know how much RALA it takes to cause movement of mercury but scared I have done permanent damage. I looked up Glutathoine and it mentioned Whey. Is this a better way to take rather than tablets. I am anxious to know how soon I will know if this movement of mercury will or has taken place and the symptoms. I am so tired trying to treat myself and now make a big error. Thank you also for mentioning about fillings, I don't think I could face the ordeal of about 10 fillings coming out. To date most things I have done in self treating have not harmed me. This is terrifying. Thank you again. Hope you are keeping well and I will look up all this information. Best wishes..

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to potter5

I've a mouthful of mercury fillings, am an old lady with Hashimoto's and PA/B12def. who's been taking ALA for quite a while now to increase glutathione, as per Dr K's recommendations so I honestly don't think you need worry about this.

To, hopefully, reassure you Potter I don't appear to have suffered any brain degeneration at all - quite the contrary! I'll continue to take ALA to increase glutathione as this, together with sufficient B12 injections, along with other supplements, seems to have resulted in recovering from memory loss, fogginess, stumbling over words, dizziness, concentration loss and most of the other problems associated with autoimmune disease.

I have though noticed the worst thing to affect me personally is stress, anxiety and overdoing things generally, resulting in a return of some symptoms, so anything you can do to relieve this will be beneficial. I find gentle walking in nature, reading, music and painting particularly restorative.

PS. have read about whey in the past but have not tried it.

potter5 profile image
potter5 in reply to Polaris

Polaris thank you so much for your kind and reassuring reply. I have got myself into a bit of a state over this. Every day is a challenge, some good or not too bad and I get things done, I walk and enjoy being out doors and make my work but on bad days I feel debilitated. You are right also about stress and anxiety and this plays a major part, and sets you back. I have a son who had a hypoxic brain injury 17 years ago and is in a minimal state, in a brain injury unit. This causes daily stress and anxiety, so the thought of brain injury is my worst nightmare, hence the freaking out at the moment. But much of my life is good and I stay positive most of the time. Your reply has helped me pick myself up. I am so glad you are improving and able to enjoy life. Kind regards, Potter.

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to potter5

Oh Potter, I'm so sorry - that is a devastating thing to have coped with all these years - no wonder you are stressed. Compared to this, my worries seem trivial and words not enough.

Loving hugs to you both

potter5 profile image
potter5 in reply to Polaris

Thank you Polaris, I so much appreciate all the kindness and support and your positive and thoughtful message lifted me earlier. My very best wishes. 😊

potter5 profile image

Thank you Eaoz, I will read this article and thank you for your reassurance. Best wishes, Potter.

Peetzil profile image

Potter5 there is a brilliant Docu series on this weekend from Mark Hyman & colleagues called Broken Brain, go to brokenbrain.com its 8 episodes. I’ve watched it all & am going back again, there is one specific on TBI which may interest you. Brilliant information & best of all hopeful message! Sounds like you need that right now. *big hug* 😊

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to Peetzil

I agree Peetzil - it's very good. In Episode 7, I think, Dr Hyman talks about how his high levels of mercury toxicity affected his brain and how lipoic acid, glutathione, amongst other things, helped him recover 🤗

potter5 profile image
potter5 in reply to Peetzil

Thank you Peetzil, I will most certainly watch this. I really appreciate your kind reply and thoughts, and hugs. Best wishes Potter

fbirder profile image

After I'd read that ALA is used to treat the pain of diabetic neuropathy (albeit intravenously) I thought I'd try it. So I started on 600 mg twice a day. After a month I didn't think it was doing anything, so I stopped it.

A few weeks later I realised that I was having to take codeine more often to help me sleep at night and that the 'electric stabbing' in my feet was getting worse.

So I went back to the ALA, but three times 600 mg per day. The frequency of the electric stabbing has decreased significantly and I'm only using codeine every couple of months.

Now, my neuropathy isn't caused by B12, or diabetes, so my experience may not be the same for others. But it really has made a difference to my life.

As for the Mercury fillings stuff. I don't believe it. If I did I would ignore it.

potter5 profile image
potter5 in reply to fbirder

Thank you for reply fbirder. Do you also have mercury fillings? Most people do. When I read on line about ALAmoving mercury from fillings to brain I just freaked out and felt my lack of research had put me in a worse position and may not recover. But with the positive replies I have relaxed. I am glad ALA has worked for you and given you ease and that you are not in the least concerned. Thank you again and very best wishes. Potter

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