Hi All,
I have 3 monthly Injections for my P.A. and I never feel any benefit from them. I am still constantly tired, have mood changes, fuzzy head (never really improved after I had Labyrinthitis) the sighs etc.... Now out of the Blue my left arm started aching and I firstly put it down to how I was holding my Kindle but when there was no sign of improvement despite not using kindle in that way I went to GP. He put me on codeine which made me lightheaded even more than usual and nauseous so he then changed it to gabapentin and has ordered blood tests to check my B12 levels and?
Has anybody else any experience of this sort of arm pain and is it Neuropathic nerve damage? (leaflet in gabapentin says this is what it is used for)
I am worried that the methylcobalamin injections are not working therefore leaving my condition to just get worse?
When I mention my concerns my GP just arranges blood tests then tells me my levels are fine.......