I joined this group months ago to see if I might learn anything in addition to what I spent years figuring out. From what I've seen many of you are still in the stage of desperately seeking relief. I know what that's like and feel that I should share with you what I learned and how I got healthy.
B-12....definitely a necessity....needs to be methylated B. Super high levels are ok.
FOCUS ON GUT HEALTH...This is cause of other symptoms, fatigue, depression, brain fog, etc. PA leads to atrophic gastritis. Take HIGH QUALITY PROBIOTICS every day forever! 70% of immune system is in the gut If it's not healthy, nothing is! PA is an AUTO-IMMUNE DISORDER. Follow the Auto-immune protocol paleo diet. There are many recipes, etc. online but for accurate information and explanation of why this diet works go to thepaleomom.com
DETOX - A huge contributing factor to auto immune disorders is the body is under a toxic burden, meaning your body can't handle anymore exposure. Most patients have multiple chemical sensitivity, meaning you can't stand the smell,of perfumes, go down the detergent aisle in store, etc. Need to,eliminate exposure where possible, do things to detox WHEN HEALTHY enough to handle. This will require Dr or healthcare practitioner to ensure it's done properly
I am in U.S. so not sure how easy it is to find a Naturopathic Dr or someone similar
It took years to,get an accurate diagonisis and years to get relief. I've learned a lot in the process and I promise you if you get your gut healthy, you will feel amazing. It takes time and effort but you know the alternative. There is no magic pill and unfortunately most allopathic Dr's do not understand the healing powers of food and supplements. Hope this helps!