Me again. Sorry. Part of my problem of b12d is heartburn, gastric reflux etc, so what is there I can do to cope with it without taking PPI's? I've cut out a lot of foods, hoping it will go away but it doesn't.
PPI (as in medication, not the other!) - Pernicious Anaemi...
PPI (as in medication, not the other!)
Maybe it is low acid that is causing the problem - so am wondering if you have tried ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar - also Betaine HCL. Docs often make the mistake of diagnosing high acid when it is the opposite ! Low thyroid can cause this problem.
On reading your posts - about reflux - heat intolerance and other things - I am left wondering if you have had thyroid testing done - and not just the TSH. Many of your symptoms do suggest a problem and many symptoms of Low B12 and Thyroid are known to overlap ....
as Marz says the problem may be low stomach acidity rather than high stomach acidity - though PPIs can treat both.
Looking back on your posts you appear to be on injections - PPIs affect the absorption of B12 from your food but you are actually now getting it from the injections so taking PPIs shouldn't be an issue.
Vogel's Centaurium drops are also effective in alleviating acid reflux but I find daily spoonfuls of organic sauerkraut (better than any other probiotic I'd ever tried) and g/f diet has meant gastritis, acid reflux, H/pylori, IBS, gall bladder issues that plagued me for years, disappeared. I now never need to take PPIs - as well as depleting B12, like most pharmaceutical drugs they have side effects, and those taking them are, apparently, more susceptible to pneumonia.
As you probably know, researchers believe leaky gut/intestinal malabsorption is the source of autoimmune disease. A gluten free diet often helps as foods high in gluten can damage the microvilli (little hairs) that line our digestive system and make it harder to absorb vital nutrients like vitamin B12, D3, selenium, magnesium, etc. which can eventually affect a vulnerable thyroid.
It seems to explain why so many of us on this site have Hashimoto's as well as PA/B12 deficiency.
I agree with Marz.
I had exactly the same problems as you. As well as chronic hiccups when my b12 injection was due.
I now have apple cider vinegar mixed with water and it sorts the problem within minutes.
Right, tomorrow the other half will be dispatched to find apple cider vinegar! Thank you everyone for your advice.
Good - hope OH can find the one with the Mother in it. Higher Nature do one that can be sent to your home - I have it sent to Crete for free ! Start with just a teaspoon in a glass of water before a meal. It also makes a perfect deodorant ! - tip onto a cotton wool pad - the smell soon disappears and as it kills the bacteria that cause BO it works really well - and all natural.