In a time of tragedy I feel guilty at my own self-pity, but the pains in my legs and hips, part of the legacy of undiagnosed b12 deficiency, is becoming more troubling. The GP I last saw said the only medication for 'nerve pain' is Gabapentin but warned of horrendous side-effects and implied that I would feel ill on them! Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to ease the nagging and constant pain, I only escape it by sleeping during the day, which disrupts my 'normal' night's sleep. I am becoming more and more fed up with the horrible effects, am even considering trying cbd oils. Any advice please?
Painful hips, back, legs, everything. - Pernicious Anaemi...
Painful hips, back, legs, everything.

Hi, my husband takes gabapentin 3 times a day for nerve pain , he also takes morphine , he does suffer from sweating for few mins a day and tiredness from gabapentin but worth it to take edge of leg and back pain , his gP started him on low dose and gradually increased dose , worth asking gP to try that . Good luck and keep pestering also ask him to refer you to pain clinic urgently , life's too short to suffer ,
When I was suffering the pain you have I took Nutri Adrenal Extra, and the pain vanished. This was 6 years ago. I has hit me again, but I can't get NAX any more and have tried Adrenavive II that also did the job.
Hello, Stumpnme, sorry you have so much pain. Please say if you are receiving injections of B12 (or self-injecting). I had the same kind of pain before I was diagnosed, and could barely walk. This kind of pain can be from damage to the nerves that exit from the spinal cord (possibly the cord also). For me, it did take a long while for the pain to go away with injections. But it did go away. Yes, there are drugs for pain, but also try simple things like topical pain relievers (Tiger Balm or any of the patches that create heat). And an electric mattress pad! No kidding, the warmth from it sometimes was the only thing that relieved pain. Not a blanket, a full mattress pad that plugs in for heat. I hope you find relief for now, but mostly that it eventually goes away.
Thanks. I was diagnosed b12 d after many years of slowly progressive ill health. Had loading injections, now on 3 monthly at med centre. My GPs have insisted for years that depression was making my body degenerate, even though at one point I was told I had a problem with my lower spine and sent to physio. It didn't help! I'll try the things you suggest and thank you for caring.
Thank you for all the replies. It is so good to have somewhere to turn and talk to people who don't think I feel this way because I am 'depressed' (although it is depressing), and suggest I take anti-depressants, exercise more, think positive and happy thoughts and cheer up! My GP is no help!
Also, just a thought, have you had vitamin D levels measured recently? Deficient in D can cause lots of aches and pains too!
Also, just a thought, have you had vitamin D levels measured recently? Deficient in D can cause lots of aches and pains too!
Just a thought, but have you had your vitamin D checked recently? This could add to aches and pains if deficient.
I don't think I've had a vit d test, I have my med recs, so will check. Thanks.
I have had spinal surgery and the opening of the TFL - and am suffering with Trochanter Bursitis - first the left hip and now the right. I use OsmoPatches from Oz and they work a treat - drawing out the inflammation overnight through osmosis naturally. They have a website which is a UK one.
I also have Hashimotos which can cause pain - have you been tested ?
I sent a long reply to your post of 10 days ago - any help ?