Well, not as bad as I expected but nevertheless, very tiring. Clock ticks so much faster than I can think.
Had 4 blood tests - FBC , Active B12, MMA retest, and one other that I've already forgotten ! Also got a follow-up appointment in 4 wks, so will get results then. She also suggested listing any questions that I might want to ask.
The haematologist that I saw was not the one that wrote the letter to my GP, but I still asked her about the "animal data" that seems to suggest some sort of harmful effects of B12: she wasn't sure where that has come from. (It's on my list already for next time.)
She talked about my diet- because I have been a vegetarian for 35 years. She asked what I had to eat last night, and what supplements I take. I think my diet is quite healthy, she said there may be absorption issues - I said that could equally apply to a diet with meat in it.
She didn't like the look of my tongue, I could tell (but at least she left the computer and examined me).
She asked how much I drink, then whether I used to drink too much.
She talked about how many cigarettes I have smoked in my life (no congratulations there for having given up a year and a half ago !).
(Judging by the line of questioning, I must be looking particularly rough today)
She talked about how highly addictive B12 is, and how Americans are using it recreationally because it makes you feel so good (?).... I'm assuming she is talking about healthy people, because otherwise someone's been watering down my vitamins!
She said "Don't we all?" when I said I felt tired (in response to question about symptoms), I asked "Too tired to do your job?" - Yes, I was a little stroppy then, but that's because I'm suffering from mood-swings - another reason why I'm unable to do my job. (Luckily my partner was with me because at this point, I'm usually crying.)
She asked why I had had 3 months of ferritin and folate: told her I was at the low end and about my hair falling out and gums bleeding. She didn't say anything.
She thinks 196ng/L in February 2016 was not low enough to cause all these symptoms, and wonders if my brain problems: memory, cognitive etc. might not all be due to smoking (possibly lack of oxygen to brain?) She wants the neurologist to do a head scan on 5th May- I'm happy with that.
She thinks 2 injections a week for Functional B12 deficiency was far too much, and is happy to keep me on the 1 a month which is my current regime, although both me and my partner have pointed out that I'm already deteriorating (at three weeks and counting!).
Not much time this visit for my questions, but without the test results, and with it being a first consultation, there is always a chance for me to talk next time. She took a copy of my symptoms list.
So not a disaster. I have, in my folder, Turner and Talbot report, BCSH page 8 and Martyn Hooper's notes on treatment, Stichting B12 Tekort: Misconceptions and safety of B12, NHS Choices on Functional B12 deficiency and lastly, symptoms lists: from PAS, B12deficiency and 100 symptoms list. Well armed, so thanks for all your help. Just having these made a difference. Having them next month, when B12 levels inevitably will be found to be high, will be vital. Love you lot.