So last month I was told I had b12 defiency and I was given the injections every other day for 2 weeks I was tested for pernicious anaemia but told it was negative. The gp said I would need the injections every 3 months!
I had my bloods done last week to see what my levels were doing and had my results back this week.
So my b12 has gone from 135 to 1500 so one extreme to the other so the gp was like so you don't need a 3 month injection and even if it drops you will be within the range.
I do feel a lot better but still getting headaches and pins and needles the gp said these symptoms will go in time. She said I don't need to take any supplements (I'm a strict vegetarian) and I'll be fine and just to wait for my dietician appt in may.
I told her I was abit concerned about how Ill i have felt and worried the levels could drop again so she will be testing my blood again in 2 in half months.
Just wondered if this sounds normal?