Hello everyone,
Just thought I'd let you know about some progress with my GP.
First of all I wish to THANK the caring people who have been most helpful in advising and guiding me/giving me ideas of how to proceed with a reluctant GP over a 2 year period.
I wrote a positive and constructive letter to GP in order to establish a framework from which we could both work in order to resolve my long standing health issues (multiple, so not easy but not impossible to resolve) and told her I was concerned she had said twice "investigations must soon come to an end" when in fact no real investigations had been initiated from her (though I requested several appointments privately for different things), therefore NO formal diagnosis = NO treatment, and that I simply could not go on as I was for much longer. In my letter I had indicated the problem areas I wish to be dealt with. I also explained why I had refused the offer of ONE B12 injection then the offer of FIVE injections proposed at beginning of this week.. Lack of clear communication. Had enclosed quite a few articles, highlighting specific areas for her to look at (NICE guidelines, Neqas, etc.)
So she agreed to 6 B12 injections over 2 weeks, starting next Monday.... then retesting for B12 and FBC in 4 weeks (tried to explain injections should not stop until neurological problems subside). She said that would establish is my problems came from B12 deficiency ... If no improvements with B12 then would need to pursue other investigations. What could I say to that???
Any opinion on what 6 B12 injections will do? Have you experienced any improvement after 2 weeks of loading doses? Does everybody having B12 injections experience "strange" symptoms (headaches, feeling sick, etc...) as I have read on several posts? A little worried about that...
She has also agreed to refer me (as requested in my letter) to a gastroenterelogist to explore malabsorption problems, internal bleeding, etc. Have long standing problems with GERD and painful stomach (have taken PPIs for decades and have autoimmune diseases... etc.).
She has agreed for me to have thyroid tests panel done but as most of you will know there is one antibody that is not tested by the NHS.... so I suggested I'd buy a testing kit and she offered for blood to be drawn by nurse at surgery free of charge since I can't do finger prick as it would not give enough blood in my case.
I asked for a copy of my latest NHS Thyroid test results ( done in May 2016: "normal" she said). Result below:
Serum TSH level : 1.19 miu/L (0.3 - 5.5)
Note from Lab: No biochemical evidence of primary disease. If on T4 the TSH suggests adequate treatment. If patient is on antithyroid drugs or their is a suspicion of pituitary disease further tests may be required.
I will post this information + other tests results done on same day on Thyroid Forum, later on.
A step forward at last after 2 years of seeing GP every months, much misery, worry and not a great quality if life.
Thanks again for much support and guidance.