Hi All,
been a while since my first posts, so really just an update and maybe your thoughts.
I had initially self diagnosed, and started self injecting after speaking to Dr Chandy, as for the past 2 - 3 years I was banging my head against a brick wall, and being told that 'look in the mirror there was nothing wrong with you, you are not 18 anymore'
Having lots of symptoms, including staggering, loss of balance, pins & needles & numbness in hands and feet, extreme tiredness etc....
I did 3 weeks of loading doses, then decided to stop, Main Reason Being, firstly I wanted to see if I could get New Horizon Blood Tests done for Active B12, and also for IF Antibodies (was told needed to stop SI for 7 weeks), and secondly I would like everything to be on my Medical Records as if something happens in the future who will know what is wrong with me if there is no one around.
So it has been 3 weeks so far and think I worked out I could get the blood tests done from 7th November, then start SI again.
In the meantime I have finally managed to get to take registration form in to register with new doctors, that was a job and half in itself, as they kept turning me away as they had flu clinics, so I should be on their system from Wednesday, which is when I was going to phone up and request an appointment to see a doctor.
On my Registration form, I listed all the main symptoms that I am currently having,
with the hope that I could request an Active B12 test, an IF Antibody test, and possibly ask for uMMA Test? what are your thoughts, would the fact that I had 3 weeks of giving myself loading doses (I am guessing 4 weeks being clear since last injection if I manage to get an appointment next week) will that have skewed my chances of getting any positive results with any tests?
Also, If I am suffering severe neurological problems, can I ask to be referred to a neurologist.
Thoughts would be useful, thank you
Angela x