Part of my answer to Sirlam plus a bit more.
My neurologist nice man that he is also has little knowledge of B12 deficiency but I explained I had to see him again to satisfy my GP and move me on again to another step. He said he is satisfied i do not have a neurological disease, which is ok by me, but doesn't dismiss the neuro symptoms. I've had brain scan and lumbar puncture in the past and they were clear. I said I had asked to be referred to a Haematologist, which he also thought was the way to go. So in his reply to my GP I asked if he would recommend that she would follow the B12 / Haematologist route, which he agreed to do. So all not lost, just another summer / year going by. He is quite empathetic for me. Meanwhile I have got a referral to see an Endocrinologist in June.
The neurologist also asked me what I thought of the Fibromyalgia diagnosis. I said I believe it is a collection of symptoms and part of a bigger picture that is going on in my body. And I said it depends who you talk to about it and everybody will tell you different. Each physio has their own take on it and some definitely say it's what they say you've got when they don't really know what you've got!!!
I've also realised this week how disjointed, disconnected and uninformed our NHS and related departments and GP practices are. I can also include local pharmacists in that little rant.
Onwards and upwards tho. So I'm gathering self injection info but still can't get my head around needle / syringe sizes and ampule amounts. mls defeat me as I'm of the pre decimal metric era. Youtube have one or two English injection videos to watch again but I'm sooooo tired and frustrated so that's for another day. Thank you all as otherwise I feel very alone in trying to get good health back.