Hi everyone, just wondering if someone could tell me if im on track.
Diagnosised with low levels of b12 (130) had monthy injection for 6 monthly, changed to 3 monthly. Started to feel 'bad' again around two month mark, doctor refused any help, had to wait another month. Ok. He ordered b12 serum right after my injection 1400, got flagged but normal for 1000mcg of cobalamin. Another three months my b12 is 200, got flagged for being too low. Im being treated for a nutritional deficiency but i eat well, dont drink, dont take drugs, dont smoke, b12 tablets dont work.
Heres my working theory: the quick drop inducates im not storing b12, due to injections, im bypassing things such as nutritional b12 deficiency and IF problems. So im thinking that i am unable to convert the cobalamin.
Im going to move on to a transdermal oil containing methyl/aden.
My research indicates that i should also watch my potassium and folate.
I wish my doctor cared even a little about this.
Symptoms: swollen tongue, teeth grinding, migranes, headaches,sharp pain in my eyes, problems swallowing, shortness of breath, memory loss, problems with findi g words, fine motors skill loss, loss of balance, nerve pain, pins and needles, torn tendons, muscle cramps, burning stomach, swelling under ribs, vomiting, diarrhoea, heart beating like its coming out of my chest, bells palsy, severe depression, exhaustion, do small jobs completely worn out and it goes on. I used to be really fit and happy, i dont think living like this is normal. Im sure ive forgotten some symptoms but i did get alot of relief after a few months of injections, started to feel good again, didnt breath like an asthmatic anymore, got my mind back, it was great. Now im going backwards.
Does anyone else self treat? What can i get my doctor to do to help?
By the way i live in australia. Thanks!