I've just realised I've had low haematocrit for years, literally. And according to Mr Google this means anaemia. But I don't have low iron or ferritin or any of the other things I would associate with anaemia, so what kind of anaemia is this? And is it, or could it be, anything to do with my B12? Incidentally, I was assured I DIDN'T have anaemia when my B12 was first measured, but according to the blood tests (and the internet), I do have SOME kind of anaemia. Incidentally, other than a low neutrophil count, which has kind of run alongside this, I have no other 'dodgy' aspects to my blood - nothing that marks me as having pernicious anaemia (as far as I am aware!).
I'm just going to look anaemia up, but if anyone could point me in the right direction here I'd be most obliged.