Anemic and don't know why: Hi everyone... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Anemic and don't know why

Tereslove profile image
9 Replies

Hi everyone, I am anemic but yet my b12 and iron levels are fine, my folic acid is actually high, so I don't know what is making me anemic. Has anyone ever had this happen? and any ideas would be helpful. ?

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Tereslove profile image
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9 Replies
pvanderaa profile image

What are your b12 levels? Under 400 pg/ml impacts some but not others.

Are you a vegan? If so do you take b12 supplements.

pvanderaa profile image

If you post your blood results with the limits, there are people here who can provide additional advice.

I see you are going to see a rheumatologist, it can be RA related, but that's all I know, hope you get some answers soon! Marre.

Galixie profile image

There are a lot of types of anemia. If you post your results we may be able to help you narrow it down. Knowing the type of anemia you're dealing with is the only way to address it. Were you told you were anemic by your doctor? What did they say about it?

Tereslove profile image
Tereslove in reply to Galixie

that is just it, there is no reason why I am anemic except that my red blood cells are low, my b12 is fine, so isn't the iron levels and folic acid is actually high, so I am at a loss and my doctor is the one who stated that I am anemic, but that is all he said.

helvella profile image
helvella in reply to Tereslove

There are other causes of low RBC count:

Galixie profile image
Galixie in reply to Tereslove

I don't think too highly of a doctor saying that you have a low red blood cell count and then not doing anything about it. You need to go back to the doctor (or a better one if that's an option) and ask to have the cause of your anemia investigated so that it can be properly treated. Also be sure to get copies of your labwork (with the reference ranges) so you can determine what else might be out of whack.

Polaris profile image

Hello Teres. You do not say what your levels of B12 are and, in any case, high folic acid can mask abnormalities in the blood. The fact that you already have anaemia puts you in the high risk group according to the book, "Could it be B12? : An Epidemic of MisDiagnoses" . Here are extracts from the book re. test results:

"we believe that the 'normal' serum B12 threshold needs to be raised from 200 pg/ml to at least 450 pg/ml because deficiencies begin to appear in the cerebrospinal fluid below 550".

"For brain and nervous system health and prevention of disease in older adults, serum B12 levels should be maintained near or above 1000 pg/ml."

There are also recommendations in BCSH and NICE guidelines, which many GPs are ignoring or not aware of !

"In the presence of discordance between test results and strong clinical features of deficiency, treatment should not be delayed to avoid neurological impairment."

Doctors are generally not up to date with the latest research guidelines on diagnosis and treatment for B12 deficiency and you have to be prepared to research and fight your corner or self treat, as will see from these links that the serum B12 tests are flawed and unreliable. You should therefore be treated on symptoms, which from reading previous posts you already have. These are helpful sites:

Very best wishes

0224 profile image


Have you found out anything about your being anemic? I was just Dx with it as well, I am having surgery so PCP doc saw in on my labs plus I see a Hemotoligist for a disease I have with my platelets and had blood work with him the same day! He said that it could be my meds so dropped me then I went in today as he requested to have my B 12- folic acid checked as well. My PCP told me to take supplements but I dold him what my Hemotoligist was doing first. I don't eat right due to the meds I take don't make me gingery very much so that could be why, the second thing that can cause it is bleeding. So I hope you have been checked out! Just saw your post was wondering if you found out what was causing it! I am hoping to know when my new labs come in tomorrow !

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