A bad night: Am having an awful night... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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A bad night

Happy-go-lucky profile image
20 Replies

Am having an awful night with my stomach I could just cry. Bloating, bubbling and diarrhoea. Got an app in the doctors tomorrow Morning

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Happy-go-lucky profile image
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20 Replies
ollie7horse profile image

Hi ther

Sorry to hear of your uncomfortable night, i had plenty of the same, whats the op for?

Jo55 profile image

I had similar problems to you but with constipation. Trips to the doctor didn't help but I found the Fodmap diet on the Internet and decided to try it. So far it has worked wonders and I certainly know it if I eat something I shouldn't. I'm on thyroxin and three monthly B12 and my stomach use to get worse just before an injection so I shall be I interested to see whether it does this time.

Maxfactor1 profile image

Hi Happy-go-Lucky

I have been receiving B12 injections three monthly from my doctor for around 18 months now and have noticed that as I near my next injection I get awful diarrhoea, pain and bubbling.

It's not only uncomfortable but very embarrassing!

This is a relatively new addition to my PA and I'm finding all the things I used to be able to eat, I can't now!

I hope you feel better soon.


The fact that its all night means it is not IBS, as in IBS seldom causes problems at night. Best get this referral to gastro,

Kind regards,


Leilanilea profile image
Leilanilea in reply to

Hi Marre,

Although the statement that IBS does not cause problems during the night has been long noted, believe me it can and does. I've had IBS for a hundred years it seems, and many nights been awakened by terrible cramps and spent hours in bathroom. I think the reason this information has prevailed is because in medicine, pain that awakens a person during the night is considered a red flag needing further investigation but IBS too often is considered inconsequential. Many people with IBS who have given up on receiving help for their pain and other IBS symptoms just don't mention this to their healthcare providers or no longer go to see them for this conditon.

Best, Leilani

in reply to Leilanilea

Hi Leilani,

Am sure you are right, but still it is best to see a gastro , as IBS is not always IBS,

Kind regards,


I hope you find out what's causing yours. I've had chronic diarrhoea since 1998 and I'm still no further forward in resolving it. The times we've had to rush home, or gone into a MacDonalds loo, or find a pub. It's just awful. It comes on in seconds, first the sweats, then the awful cramps and I have to get to a loo. I thought B12 injections were starting to help it, but going through a bad run at the moment. Every time I climb the stairs or try to do some shopping I'm in trouble. Sorry to be graphic but mine is often like water with an hint of orange. I don't eat that much fat at all but I know fat comes out, it always has a distinctive smell like perming lotion if anyone remembers that. If I'm at the cinema I can often be in the loo for 40 minutes, eating out I gave to take codeine first.

Things that make mine worse are salad leaves, white flour and sugar.

I do have low cortisol, and that can cause stomach issues.

Happy-go-lucky profile image
Happy-go-lucky in reply to

Yes helcaster mine has an orange colour. I think it's when I have a curry or anything spicy. Can't eat broccoli or cheese. All my fave foods. He gave me some new stomach tablets so let's see how get on. Need or go back if have any other problems. Getting b12, thyroid, ferritin and full blood count checked next week. As am getting b12 symptoms again. I like the doctor that did see as he listens

in reply to Happy-go-lucky

That's good your doctor listens. What stomach tabs did your doc give you?

I hope you're feeling a little better. It will be interesting to see what your blood test results will be.

Happy-go-lucky profile image
Happy-go-lucky in reply to

He gave me colofac mr. They do ease the cramping. They don't go completely and I can cope with the pain but still getting the diarrhoea and have been for a week now. So am going to take the tabs for another week and see how get on. No one likes the doctors and am never away.

in reply to Happy-go-lucky

Have you tried codeine? That's the only thing that helps me it stops the spasms and diarrhoea. Sorry you're still suffering, it's such a worry for you.

Happy-go-lucky profile image
Happy-go-lucky in reply to

No never tried that. Will see if can get some thanks x

pauline19 profile image

Clear with orange "logo results" are you losing bile. I'm guessing that some of the lettuce is undigested and seems to go right through you? Yellow/orange is called "dumping" by some MDs. Could be gallbladder issues. Ask for a HIDA Scan. That looks at your gallbladder.

Could be dysautonomia. The larger issue of this, if it's systemic is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, (I've got this DX) and it sometimes comes along as a post-viral thing that is autoimmune with adrenal involvement, called Hyperadrenergic POTS. A whole big mess of your body going haywire--all systems out of whack. Google it with the author names of Grubb and Raj. There are UK MDs who specialize in this too. Look it up on Wikipedia to start.

in reply to pauline19

Hi Pauline, my health is quite complicated. I have to take acid suppressants for Interstitial Cystitis, they are playing havoc with anaemias. I also have hashimotos and adrenal insufficiency.

The diarrhoea started the same time as my bladder disease, even before I took any meds. I have problems with fainting too. I'm currently taking just T3 ( liothyronine) to see if I improve. I know I need hydrocortisol, but doctors just have no u derstanding of this.

I will look up what you suggest, thanks.

lal2502 profile image

I was very interested to read this as although my symptons are nowehere near as bad as others. I did find in the lead up to my last injection the embarrassing gurgles and bloating started again. I have also found it almost impossible to digest red meat now. My stomach swells up like I'm pregnant and makes terrible noises!!

Yep same here, it only gets worse, initially B12 jab and folic acid tabs worked, stopped being effective, but I have it now sorted as in diagnosed with bile salt mal absorption (gastro) and take colestipol for it, as it binds bile and removes it (its normally prescribed for people with elevated cholesterol levels, which I do not have), it works. Not the healthiest option, it also coats and removes fat soluable vits etc, but it works.

More info here:

Managing bile acid diarrhoea



But Gut/ stomach problems can be other issues such as celiac , or H Pylori, autoimune gastritis, chrohns etc, so it should all be investigated properly to exclude other issues.

Kind regards,


Lily73 profile image

It does sound like bile acid/salt malabsorption (especially when you said it smells like perms!). It can be due to gallbladder issues, or a complication of crohn's, but it can also just be 'one of those things'. It is now thought that up to 50% of people who have been told they have IBS may actually have bile salt malabsorption (and as Marre said, there is a medication you can take which will stop the horrid diarrhoea). You can get a SeHCAT scan in the UK to find out if that is the cause. You swallow a tablet, have a scan and come back one week later for another scan.

My bile salt malabsorption was probably caused by my IBS. The IBS caused fast transit - food goes through me very very quickly - and as a result I don't absorb vitamin B12 or bile salts.

(Be prepared for your GP to have never heard of the SeHCAT scan. Mine hadn't. And the gastroenterologist only referred me for the scan because he couldn't find any organic reason for my vitamin B12 malabsorption after an endoscopy/colonoscopy, and I didn't have classic pernicious anaemia. He was ready to send me away, telling me it was due to diet, except I insisted there was no way I was low on B12 due to diet. When I went for the scan, the lab technician said it was crazy that more doctors didn't send IBS patients for the scan. (The fact that I had both B12 deficiency and bile salt malabsorption (but with no other cause) apparently showed that I was not absorbing stuff due to 'fast transit'. And they say IBS is harmless!)

Lily73 profile image

I also meant to say - bile salt malabsoprtion diarrhoea (so I was told) tends to be painless, watery and quick. It's more like peeing. However because I had IBS diarrhoea as well (which instead tends to involve cramps, getting hot and sweaty), it was hard for me to differentiate the two. Yellow diarrhoea can indicate bile salt malabsorption, but can also just be a sign of fast transit (food has gone through your system too quickly). I did think that the 'perm' smell (or latex gloves smell!) was the identifier for me.

Happy-go-lucky profile image

Thanks guys you all make me feel better. I was prescribed medeverine tablets today. Fingers crossed no cramps or diarrhoea. It does seem like its IBS and it does tend to be when I eat spicy or a curry. Which will stop and see what happens. He is doing all my bloods again as I am getting low b12 symtoms. It's not due till end of November. He is doing the thyriod again. He was fab and feel I can tell him things.

Happy-go-lucky profile image

I am going to drink pepper mint tea and see if this helps also. Used to drink it all the time x

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