I personally think B12 skin patch is a scam. When you look at 1mg B12 sublingual tab or 1ml B12 ampoule, the colour is either pink or red (the colour of cobalamin) but when you buy 5000mg skin patch, the colour is beige. It has no B12 on it basically. So don't buy anymore skin patch. IMHO.
Warning: B12 skin patch is a scam - Pernicious Anaemi...
Warning: B12 skin patch is a scam

I just wonder if you can make that conclusion, not that I have ever seen or used a B12 patch, but high doses B12 tabs are yellow, the colour may be the manufactoring process to protect the B12 from light? As B12 deteriorates very quickly if exposed to light.

Red is the natural colour of crystals. "The various forms (vitamers) of B12 are all deeply red colored crystals and water solutions, due to the color of the cobalt-corrin complex."
Hi Erainy
Sorry to hear of your thoughts upon skin patches and also sorry that I have to disagree, but I have purchased and used to great effect, 1000mcgs of Methylcobalamin + 400mcgs of Folic Acid patches. I must admit, I too was sceptical, due to the molecular size of Methylcobalamin and therefore its ability, or indeed inability, to pass through the skin, but for me they have worked well. Oh! by the way you may have something of a marker, my patches are red. May I most respectfully suggest that you are most careful about how you express your views on any product and or its manufacturers business ethics, whilst I fully appreciate your best intentions in warning other sufferers on this and other sites about products which you honestly believe do not work. However; unless you have direct irrefutable scientific proof of your claims, then you may be leaving yourself wide open to legal litigation from a manufacturer of those products, which could wind up being very costly indeed. I do, as already stated, of course fully appreciate the good intentions within your warning notice, but please do be careful. B12T x
If you had a patch that is red, yours may have been a genuine one. I'm speaking from the patch I bought on ebay and it was beige in colour and I didn't feel any benefit. Sublingual tabs were slightly better but nothing beats the injection. Also, there are a number of research papers that say absorption % through the skin is poor.
I am disabled, penniless who is in rented accommodation, don't even own a car or anything valuable so if they do take me to court, they are really wasting their time.
Hi Erainy
I'm sorry to hear that you appear to have wasted money that you don't have, I did make the point that I was apprehensive about the molecular size and thereby the Methyl's ability to pass through the skin, but it appears to have been able to do so in my case. Please don't think I have anything but admiration for your wanting to warn others of your findings, but many years in the dog eat dog world of commerce & business, has taught me to choose my words very very carefully and look over my shoulder at every turn.
Please don't think I'm getting at you in any way whatsoever, except to admire and even applaud your intentions.
Best wishes for the future B12T
i am very sure it is the folic acid that you are absorbing not b12, there is not one patch in market with solo b12, which means b12 doesnt get absorbed through skin, all have either other vitamins or selenium, selenium for example can cause increase in testosterone, which wil make one feel better, but his or her deficiency will remain same, .
in women androgen!
Hi there I think they could be a scam, however I have no proof they are and I have seen no proof they are no. I can think what I like. Of course to sue they would have to proof they worked and I have seen no such proof, I've seen no scientific trial either way, I would like to though. Now presumable the manufacturers have evidence of such trials so it would be nice if they could point to a scientific trial that proves they work. If you have such a link please post it.
Unless you've tested the patches in a lab you can't make that sort of claim.