Do you know a toe nail fungus solution th... - Cure Parkinson's

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Do you know a toe nail fungus solution that works?

Leylaleyla profile image
38 Replies

I know this has nothing to do with PD, but my mom had her big toe nail removed due to fungus. And it is starting to grow back, however the tip of the nail is looking like fungus again. I can't get her into the podiatrist until Mid April and they won't prescribe anything. Researching online I found studies for the effectiveness of Amorolfine but of course it is not available int he US only UK and Australia. I am tempted to order it from Ebay.

Any other suggestions? Thanks!

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Leylaleyla profile image
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38 Replies
Rosenmu profile image

Have you looked into natural remedies? I've read it's caused by csnfida overgrowth in the body. A good tea tree oil might clear it up locally, that's what I use. Oregano oil or fermented natural apple cider vinegar are also possibilities. Cut out sugar, it feeds fungus growth.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to Rosenmu

Oregano oil has to be diluted or it might burn the soft tissue.

Xenos profile image

Are you sure that this is due to fungus ? Did they analyze it first ?

I wonder if here is not a micro circulation problem linked to PD, with symptoms mimicking fungus.

It happened to me...

Leylaleyla profile image
Leylaleyla in reply to Xenos

I’m not positive. I wasn’t at her appointment back in September when they removed the nail. It was almost falling off at that time.

It’s about a quarter grown back. It’s only the tip that looks weird. The nail bed close to her skin looks normal.

I will try to get a better diagnosis in April. Or maybe they will have a cancellation and fit her in sooner.

She doesn’t have pain and it’s not on any other nail.

What did you do to correct it?

Xenos profile image
Xenos in reply to Leylaleyla

I was told to keep my toes warm using reasonably thick socks. It works.

kaypeeoh profile image

Ozonated olive oil is a good treatment for fungi. It can be found online. I'm a veterinarian. I prescribe it for fungal infections like ringworm. It works for most bacterial dermatitis as well.

Leylaleyla profile image
Leylaleyla in reply to kaypeeoh

Can you recommend a brand?

There are so many fake olive oils out there.

kaypeeoh profile image
kaypeeoh in reply to Leylaleyla We order from this company: Honest O3, Owned by Micah Lowe. We use the 15% gel when cleaning dog's teeth. For skin conditions we use the 10% gel.

kaypeeoh profile image
kaypeeoh in reply to kaypeeoh

If ozone gas is bubbled through an oil it eventually turns into a Vaseline-like gel. The ozone is still active in the gel. Ozone is an oxidant. It's O3 meaning three oxygen molecules linked together. The 3rd oxygen wants to detach. When ozone touches bacteria or fungi the oxidant kills the bacteria instantly. Same for fungi.

HekateMoon profile image
HekateMoon in reply to kaypeeoh

Is that external or 8nternal use?

kaypeeoh profile image
kaypeeoh in reply to HekateMoon

Ozonated olive oil is an external application.

HekateMoon profile image
HekateMoon in reply to kaypeeoh

Thank you

parkie13 profile image

My old chihuahua Daisy has drug-resistant staph infection. . Can't get rid of it. Do you think that ozonated oil would work on that? Gen-one spray is the only thing that helps and you have to use it all the time. It has been at least a couple years. She has it on her cheeks and her feet and once in a while on her vulva and her belly, but haven't seen that in a while. Thank you. Mary

kaypeeoh profile image
kaypeeoh in reply to parkie13

There are several ways to get ozone into the body. Injecting it into a vein is the strongest way but some think it's dangerous. One can infuse it into the rectum like an enema. The experts say rectal infusion works nearly as well at IV injection. When infused into the colon it enters the blood vessels feeding the colon AND enters the hepatic portal system, veins carrying nutrition from the colon to the liver. I've seen it treat hepatitis. For an infection on a leg one can put the leg in a plastic bag and fill the bag with ozone. Known as "bagging" the limb. For spots of ringworm ozone gel should work. Should be treated daily for 2 weeks. An old treatment I do is called autohemotherapy. Blood is taken from a vein and quickly injected into muscle. The body reacts to this by increasing macrophages--white blood cells--from 2% to 22%. I've done this to myself, curing a DVT when nothing else would. The macrophages migrate wherever there is infection, killing the disease. May sound crazy but it's common in parts of south America. Google autohemotherapy or try You tube.

bepo profile image
bepo in reply to kaypeeoh

The blood is taken out of the vein, then infused with ozone and through an IV, is reintroduced into the body. It is a great therapy . See RobertRowenMD on YouTube: " Is Ozone the Miracle Cure".

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to parkie13

What food is she on? My cats got very sick on science diet dried food, and so much better on fresh meat. If she is on dried food with cereals in it could be moving to more natural diet gradually may help her.

Pilot108 profile image

I tried a number of home remedies and snake oils with no success to rid my disfigured toenails of that yellow thick spongy fungus. I thought my dream of becoming a foot model was over.

Then I got an Rx for Lamisil tablets and never looked back.

Watch your liver though.

My ex who had a toe sucking fetish would be proud!

The only effective treatment for confirmed Onychomycosis is to take an oral antifungal. The most effective one is terbinafine (marketed as Lamisil).

ion_ion profile image

Some articles say there is a connection between the fungus infection and PD, the first being the cause for the second. I have it, too. 25 years ago I cleared it with Lamisil tablets. I was ok for 10 years and than came back. I tried so called natural remedies but they did not work. One dermatologist advised me to avoid Latmisil which is attacking the liver. He prescribed Kerydin (800usd 4ml) and in 6 months cleared up. After two years came back and Kerydin did nothing. The doctor gave me Luzu (Japanease cream), still expansive (575usd for 50mg) and it fixed it. Two years later came back again. I have 5 toes infected, the little ones which the dr. said are harder to get cured. I was looking for removal even 3 of them are no so bad.

Rosenmu profile image
Rosenmu in reply to ion_ion

Internal fungus such as Candida is very stubborn and easily adapts to overcome treatments. My husband had it pretty bad on his chest, stopping all sugar was the only way he could get relief. Everytime he goes back to eating sugar, it crops up again.

rhyspeace12 profile image

My husband had lots of fungus infections and strange horny, thick toenails. In the last year the over the counter stuff for toe nail fungus worked well.

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to rhyspeace12

Paint on or oral?

rhyspeace12 profile image
rhyspeace12 in reply to LAJ12345


TSonmez profile image
TSonmez in reply to rhyspeace12

which over the counter did you use? Thanks!

rhyspeace12 profile image
rhyspeace12 in reply to TSonmez

The latest was Walmart's Equate Athlete Foot Clotrimazole USP 1percent Antifungal Cream (compare to Lotramin AF active ingredient)

Aleagles profile image

Try tea tree oil

Lionore profile image

Toe fungus is common among older adults. It’s not painful and obviously not fatal. For vain people like myself who spent way too much on pedicures it’s annoying. I believe that I developed it on one big toe because I put multiple layers of polish on it and another toe nail has been thick for years. Before heading to the podiatrist I followed Dr Google and soaked feet in apple cider vinegar and water and tried OTC creams and tea tree oil, maybe would have worked but it takes months. Ketocomazole cream prescribed by podiatrist is working! If it hadn’t the oral medication is only other option but bad for the liver. Sadly, since nail polish cuts off circulation Dr advised to not use it ever again. Good news is I’m saving $$$ on pedicures ( did I mention that I’m vain) but open toed sandals are being replaced. Oh well, I’m grateful that after five years post dx I can dance and walk on the beach.

John_morris71 profile image

I used 'Tea Tree' Oil for my mother's nail (Brand : Nature's Truth). It helped a lot in dealing with her toe-nail fungus. Not a cure per se, but it arrested the condition and reduced the fungus. A 15 ml ( 0.51 oz.) bottle should cost around 8 to 10 bucks. Just a drop into each nail will do. It has anti-fungal properties.

Hope that it helps. Note that I am not a doctor and my suggestion should not be treated as medical advice. I am sharing the info as it helped my mother. (She now does not have any fungal infection on her toe nail).

bepo profile image

Try ozonated olive oil that is rubbed on the toenail. Or, if you have an ozone machine bag the foot area.

Astra7 profile image

It’s really hard to get rid of. I had mine lasered off at considerable expense as I couldn’t shift it any other way.☹️

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to Astra7

good for you! the laser treatment didn't work for me

Idofotos profile image

I’ve never had it but had a roommate who swore by Vick’s vapors rub. Probably similar to tree tea oil

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to Idofotos

i tried it... it was scary... turned my toenail WHITE... and it looked like my toenail was actually getting 'loose'... so i stopped taking it

mecklenberger profile image

Try the fresh juice of garlic. It is a broad spectrum antifungal that will not be harmful.

Getz profile image

I had toenail fungus for 35 years after leaving boarding school and it wasn't until I started putting a few drops of tea tree oil on my toenails a couple of times a day that it faded away.

BobJones85 profile image

Over the counter remedies can be effective, that's what I'm currently using

Bhaktitoo profile image

because I can't take oral antifungals, and my experience with OTC antifungal led to damage skin, I have experimented with home remedies for at least 10 years. They do work but you have to do it every single day and have socks that breathe that you don't mind getting full of very aromatic oils. As another person noted, you may have to tinker with the formula as time goes by. I did clear second and third toenails left foot and first second and third on the right but then stopped treatment and the second and third came creeping back.

the first thing I used long ago was grapefruit seed extract and it did work. There was a bunch of hullabaloo about its being contaminated with a chemical disinfectant at one time and I don't know how that played out.

I have used dollar store imitation tiger balm with menthol eucalyptus thymol and Vaseline, which worked. Then used it as a base to which I added tea tree oil and oregano oil. Taking herbs containing antifungals such as berberine or the herbs that contain it like golden seal and Oregon grapefruit internally along with olive leaf extract and something like Kyolic formula which contains aged garlic as well as a mushroom complex, astragalus, oregano extract, and olive leaf extract has been beneficial, too

from what I have read here, a B2 supplement could be an important tool!

Esperanto profile image

In addition to B2, a deficiency in vitamin B7 (biotin) can increase the risk of fungal nail infections and subsequent nail plate discoloration, similar to B12. There is some evidence to show that applying vitamin E topically to your infected toenails can help eliminate toenail fungus over time. So, once again, make sure you are getting enough of a good B-complex vitamin, as it is integral to good nail health. B6, B9, B1, B3, and B5 are after all at least as important for a lot of other PD-related problems and overall health!

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