L-Serine: stimulant amino acid, is it of benefit to us PWP? One of my doctors told me I should try it and let him know if it is a benefit. He said some people would find it helpful to know as it has helped people with Alzheimer’s. I agreed to be a guinea pig. Can’t wait for the package to arrive
What do you know about L-serine - Cure Parkinson's
What do you know about L-serine

Good luck! I hope it helps.
Hi leg lag, I still drink emergenc every morning and sometimes I put some Ginger ale in it . Did you ever try the Gingerale ?
A while back someone posted this link to this article about L-Serine: fortune.com/longform/alzhei...
I found the article fascinating and decided to give L-Serine a try. I have been taking 30g a day now for six months, but I can't say that I notice any difference. For better or worse. But when I started I said that I would try it for year, which I still plan to do.
I also need to add a disclaimer that I was diagnosed with PD a little over 18 months ago, and since that time I have tried Alizect, Ropinerole, Sinemet, Artane and high dose B1. All provided no symptom relief whatsoever, so there is some question as to whether I even have PD. Still trying to figure it all out.
This is an update on my personal trail of hill serene hills serene. Pardon the miss spelling voice app is not getting along with me today. For the first two days I followed the Doctors advice and I took 2 tablespoons one in the morning one in the evening. After two days of waking up feeling hammered and tired I cut back to just 1 tablespoon in the morning and I followed that regimen for 14 days. I am now in the second day of a halt I am holding for two weeks to see if my strength comes back as it has declined almost like chronic fatigue. A retired research friend of mine has suggested that I may be experiencing a paradoxical effect. But it is also listed as a possible side effect of taking L serene. I will see if my strength returns after two weeks and get back to you on this form
Buzz, has your brand of L-Serine been tested for pathogens and heavy metals. I am thinking that maybe you felt bad because of the contaminants in an inferior product. The first and third L-Serinre products offered in the link below at iherbs provide (typical?) certificates of analysis, and seem to be very clean. (I have no financial interest in iherbs or any of their products.) Use the discount code: TBB727--if this is still current--to take advantage of the savings and free shipping. I have not ordered the L-serine myself but am considering it.
Here are the certificates of analysis posted about 2 weeks ago for the two brands I mentioned above:
Yes the shipment came with a certificate of analysis. It was translated by Nutri Vita shop from the manufacture an Asian company as well as I can tell.
Well I see I forgot to follow up. I terminated promptly promptly the second trial as I begin to fall ill again although I begin the second trial using only quarter of a teaspoon. So there you go it’s just not for me.
Has anyone else read the latest postmortem study looking for evidence that prions might be related to Parkinson’s. Again the researchers concluded it is not a factor . I’m not including a link, you can find yourselves. It’s the second study of this kind I have read over the last couple of years. As a layman I have no opinion of value to add to the discussion just in observation
Hello Buzz,
Have you been taking L-serine and how is it working?
Dittos on Faridaro's request. Can you please update us on using L-Serine? Thanks!