I did a very dumb thing, please read!! - Cure Parkinson's

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I did a very dumb thing, please read!!

38yroldmale profile image
18 Replies

People who follow my posts know about my ideas on Natural treatments. Please look at my Coimbra Protocol posts. I’ve determined (could change)that I have Drug Induced Parkinsonism or the Coimbra Protocol is working. I am slowly feeling better everyday.

I currently take an MAO-B inhibitor and a 1.5 pills

3 times a day of 25/100 c/l. Last Sunday I couldn’t find my rasagiline so I couldn’t take it. Monday I Felt great!! I had the bright idea to then quit C/L. Cold Turkey. I know it’s dumb but I now know both of them never worked.Felt amazing Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday till I didn’t.

I was hauling a tractor (I sell Kubota’s) I started to

feel weird so I pulled over. Within 30 seconds I was confused, sweating, my heartbeat raced,

Starting shaking, panic feeling. I’m not overreacting when I thought I was dying. I had my wife pick me up. Called my sister (pharmacist) and she told me take my usual c/l dose. I went to

the ER. On the way, I looked at what I probably had. Me and the ER doc thinks it was NMS. 10-20% of people die. SCARY to say the least.

Within about 1 hr blood pressure, heart rate and condition stabilized as the c/l hit my bloodstream. I am going to taper very slowly off both. I thought because I had no help from c/l it wouldn’t have any withdrawals. LESSON LEARNED.

Again, something is working. It might be because I have DIP and I’m getting off SSRI’s. It could

Be the Coimbra Protocol. I’ve been doing it for 8

Months. PLEASE watch this, it could change



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38yroldmale profile image
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18 Replies
Zella23 profile image

Sounds like you are on a roller coaster with thought s and meds. What a rough time you seem to have had. What good treatment you had at the ER and shows that these drugs are not to be messed about with.

It’s so hard to get the support you need with PD and answers to questions as all the medical establishment have different ideas and actually don’t always have the answers.

I always thought my husbands PD was from drugs used to treat blood pressure - all drugs seem to be variable in how they affect you, he had hardly ever had a medical problem in his life and never saw his GP until he took these.

That all changed with his diagnosis.

I ve been researching PD for 10 years now and am pleased I have found this website which contains loads of information - some too complicated for me to understand the science.

Good luck in finding what helps you.

We met some PWP while we’re in Italy. One Man had been diagnosed at 33 and was now in his 60 s. Just a little less mobile but doing really well on conventional meds and a good Neurologist.

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to Zella23

Thanks, is this the website you speak of?

Zella23 profile image
Zella23 in reply to 38yroldmale

Yes - and sometimes other Parkinson’s websites!

ConnieD profile image

How frightening! So glad you’re doing well now! What symptoms have improved on the protocol? Thank you 😊

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to ConnieD

Again, I don’t know if I have DIP which could be the reason I’m improved. If it is the protocol which makes me thinks it more that than DIP because I have had a positive DatScan.

It has been very gradual but 100% undeniable that I’ve improved. Dr Coimbra believes that a stressful situation can start autoimmune diseases. That would make since because 6 years ago my dad died leaving me in charge of a big business. 3 years ago my mother started on hospice all while ignoring my PD symptoms. Mother died aug 18 (a blessing) then a ton of tests(most stressful) was diagnosed dec 18.

Fast forward to today. I believe I have lowered my parathyroid hormone which was out of wack when I started. I am now calm and accept my diagnoses(as much as a person can) The parathyroid calms your immune system, rather than suppress it like most meds do.

I felt excited to go on a trip next month. I’ve traveled a lot since diagnosed,Done things like hunting that used to get me so excited,haven’t been excited in years. Apathy is something it really helps with!!!

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to 38yroldmale

I took a look at your YouTube for a little while. This protocol sounds as phony as a 3 dollar bill. Here is what Mayo Clinic says about exceptionally high doses of vitamin D:

"...Taking 60,000 international units (IU) a day of vitamin D for several months has been shown to cause toxicity. This level is many times higher than the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for most adults of 600 IU of vitamin D a day. Doses higher than the RDA are sometimes used to treat medical problems such as vitamin D deficiency, but these are given only under the care of a doctor for a specified time frame. Blood levels should be monitored while someone is taking high doses of vitamin D. As always, talk to your doctor before taking vitamin and mineral supplements."

Then I looked up a couple of websites selling this Coimbra approach. Its major reference citation, claiming to be BMJ (British Medical Journal, one of the most prestigious medical journals around) and discussion page of the various claims on various autoimmune diseases treated with high doses of D took me to a study concerned with testing the hypothesis that use of parachutes can reduce the incidence of death when jumping out of a plane.

Unless you have a special deficiency or processing disease, I'd say it's possible that just paying this guy for 10 years could become one of those horrible emotional traumatic injuries his protocol is intended to treat.

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to MarionP

Thanks for the support MarionP! It’s amazing how many supposed experts there are. Why does autoimune diseases increase statistically The further you are away from the equator? There’s been many studies to figure out why people on the equator are more healthy. We evolved as a nudist out in the sun. Think about it, what major breakthrough and Parkinson’s treatment has there been in 50 years? Dopamine agonist? Basically legal cocaine that makes people addicts? People lose their family, job businesses and such. Why would somebody demean Something someone is being helped by. My brother has Crohn’s disease, And is doing much better on this Coimbra protocol that on his $150,000 a year by biologic.

My mother who has MS has also been helped immensely by this. The MS drugs suck, really don’t make her feel better.

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to 38yroldmale

MarionP. I didn’t realize where you’re coming from. A drug pusher. I truly think I have drug-induced parkinsonism. Since I’ve been off my drugs I felt better every day. I’ve had a DatScan saying that I have Parkinson’s. However, I was on the highest dose of that antidepressant that can cause a false positive. None Of the doctors Told me you need to get off the antidepressants for the DatScan. SSRI Can cause drug induced Parkinsonism. Of course the FDA doesn’t want to admit it because that would hurt their drug business. My mom was an opiate addict before she died because the stupid doctors. The last couple years of her life she wasn’t really there.

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to 38yroldmale

MarionP. Hypothetically if I do have dragons parkinsonism which I believe I do. I’m tapering off my CL. My symptoms are disappearing. About a year ago I was on the highest dose of the antidepressants. I had been diagnosed but figured I pretty much out. I was suicidal. Imagine if I killed myself Because of what I was looking at. My dad and grandpa had Parkinson’s. My only Brother has Crohn’s. My mother had MS. It’s all because of the antidepressants. How old were you when you were diagnosed with Parkinson’s? I was 38. What if I were to do some stupid like he’ll kill myself. I’ll tell you I thought about it. Who’s is responsible? Nobody told me that added persons can cause drug induced parkinsonism. Of course the FDA wouldn’t admit it. Cost money. My closest sister is actually a pharmacist. She’s brainwashed kind a like you

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to 38yroldmale

1975 1-10,000 kids born with Autism.

1978 FDA approves use of Sunscreen.

2014 1-59 kids born with autism.

I thinks it’s very complex. I think the lack of vitamin D is a big part of it.

I take 115k iu of vitamin D a day. I always drink at least 2.5 liters of water.

I eliminated all dairy. Avoid Calicum. Have my blood drawn every 2 months for safety.

0 antidepressants. Haven’t felt better in years. Rather than push a pill, take 10,000 iu of vitamin D. (600 is a very old stat, I thought an expert would realize that) and EXERCISE! Oh wait, I’m lazy, I want a pill to fix everything.

pvw2 profile image

Rasagiline isn't one to quit taking. It's being researched to see if can cure PD or stop its progress.

pvw2 profile image

By the way, any chance you ate a huge amount of fava beans? Your symptoms sound like a fava bean overdose, especially if you are also taking levodopa/carbidopa.

What is NMS please ?

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome. It’s life threatening. 10-20% of people die. Google it. The Parkinson’s drug reaction is supposedly less severe but still can be fatal.

in reply to 38yroldmale

Thank you. So sorry you had to go through this. But glad you are better

Now to warn others.

MarionP profile image

What do you mean by the term "DIP"? The smokers' pneumonia? Mostly that improves from just quitting smoking, unless you live/work in a very polluted environment or home.

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to MarionP

Drug Induced Parkinson’s.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to 38yroldmale

Oh, I didn't know what you meant by DIP, the video was in Portuguese so I had to look up DIP and most lists don't mention Parkinsonism, they mention the more commonly known lung disease from smoking, "DIP."

As to the rest, yes you can have drug induced parkinsonism. If it's short term or simply caused then maybe it has to do with something you took or ate. If it's long term, you need professional specialty treatment, because anything to do with dopamine also must hit a Goldilocks sweet spot or else you will be into more disease from the other side of that sweet spot. Its rare to get "DIP" from too much SSRI unless you have a complicated case, are self-changing meds too much, or are treated by someone who doesn't know your whole case or how to deal with your whole case, or because you have a chronic downward course regardless as part of your disease progression...also you can have toxin induced parkinsonism from a variety of sources.

And yes, actually there are a lot of experts out there, but you have to have, and then use, the brains and critical thinking to separate the wheat from the chaff, to help that sifting along and recognize when you have a good one or a bad one, including a phony who only wants to help you pay him for snake oil. And that's on you unless you are not capable of doing that, in which case it will take longer for an expert to be found and incorporate that additional dependency. Say, for example, that you have more than one condition, perhaps bipolar depression or something similar, major depression or anxiety that makes critical thinking difficult...in that case add that set of issues to the challenge of getting to the right people and right information to serve you.

There are so many ways though it could be coming to you that you need to do a doctor visit and a neurologist visit to get them managed. Too many things possible to do a clinical session on this website, what may seem obvious may have nothing to do with anything. For instance, did you know that at Mayo Clinic, an initial diagnostic interview with an internist (who therefrom determines which specialists and initial tests need to be referred in) takes 90 minutes by policy, and for ongoing management the doctor reserves 60 minutes? And that's just internal medicine, without any labs or tests or machine workups. That's what it takes to assure good information from a cold case. It's also the only real way to avoid something that "feels good" but does little for you or even makes you worse.

Wishing you the best. Take it or leave it.

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