1 c/l 25/100 at night. I take it at night because I can sleep through the first 6 hours which is the time I can barely walk. I don’t know what the official name for it is but I’ve not seen any posts describing this what I assume is a side effect. However when I wake up and get my senses about me I can walk but I suffer bradykinesia and other PD symptoms so I am by no means perfect. I’ve asked 3 doctors about this with no valid answer other than I’m under medicated and they pre rdscribe the IR which is worse. I see a new dr. In August and am not sure how to explain any different for him to understand that c/l not working the way it should for me. I haven’t seen a neurologist in 3 years. My primary authorizes my c/l and I read this thread faithfully. I am not on B1 because 100 made me jittery. My blood pressure is more high than low but we’re working to stabilize. In the evening I start running out of gas so I take the cr before I go to bed again. Is there a name for legs getting stiff for 6 hours when you take your medicine How do I explain to new Dr. without sounding like an idiot?
Is this a side effect of c/l or what? - Cure Parkinson's
Is this a side effect of c/l or what?

Not necessary to wait for a neurologist appointment. This book is quite detailed and in layman language.
Required Reading Book List for Advocates of their own health.
Number One:
“The New Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Book” Second Edition, 2015
Dr. Eric Ahlskog,
Chair of Movement Disorders
Mayo Clinic.
Thirty years experience…
Less dependent on a live doctor.

Thank you Roy
Go with jittery. Give high dose thiamine hcl the needed time to affect your symptoms.
Symptoms are going to be a constant.
With B1, jittery and a few symptoms.
Without B1, the whole galaxy of Parkinson’s symptoms,
I would take jittery.

Thank you I was going to try again. I thought jittery meant too strong dose. I don’t have major tremors hence not liking jittery . Bradykinesia is my biggest complaint.
There are two types of dyskinesia.
Most with dyskinesia are little effected. Some don’t know they have it.
Dr. Ahlskog’s book.

I’m getting ready to order the ebook
Same situation here. Very sensitive to levodopa. I take carbidopa levodopa ER 25/ 100 before bed and also upon awakening. However, midday before afternoon hiking I take half that – 12.5/50, because any more than that makes my leg stiff and not walkable.
If you have not tried it already, try a 1/2 dose during the day and see how that works for you.
THANK YOU. I feel like crying. You just made me feel not crazy! I will try that
I see the half dose did not work. Are your symptoms tolerable without medication?
Yes tolerable but full disclosure I do not exercise other than wii tennis. I know I can feel better and will continue to read and try different things ie. b1, restore gold. Also I’m being seen weekly by Dr of Asian herbs and acupuncture for 4 years so cannot say I’ve been doing nothing.
My list of interventions that may help. Thiamine and cinnamon particularly helping me:
• High-dose thiamine, courtesy of Dr. Antonio Costantini highdosethiamine.org/ healthunlocked.com/cure-par...
• Cinnamon, extensively researched by Prof. Kalipada Pahan, PhD. My report healthunlocked.com/cure-par...
•Mannitol parkinsonsnewstoday.com/202...
• Ambroxol healthunlocked.com/cure-par...
• Sulfurophane from broccoli seed, courtesy of our very own Albert Wright. Helps with nonmotor symptoms: patientresearcher.com/2021/...
dThank you. I appreciate your response and will do my research. I take mannitol. I was impressed with the handwriting samples and thought I’d try again pd meds but was reminded quickly why I don’t go the sinemet route although I am not giving up. I so totally respect the people on this site and am thankful for the caring you can feel here. I’m like a sponge and thank God for allowing me to always learn
I too get very bad leg stiffness/rigidity & I thought it was related to c/l but haven't had concrete proof related to the timing of this so have not convinced my neurologist that it's from the c/l. It's kind of reassuring to hear that you have a similar issue!
I take IR c/l 25/100, 2.5 tablets 5 times a day. Generally the worst rigidity seems to be later in the evening. The neurologists have essentially just shrugged it off as "dystonia" caused by PD & not caused by the med that's taken to treat PD. I've read every chapter of the Ahlskog book several times. I just feel like I need a neurologist who thinks outside the box a bit more to help me figure out how to control my left foot dragging & hand tremoring without resulting in the horrible stiffness in my left leg!
I agree. I’ve tried to explain to 3 neurologist with no understanding. I tried 1/2 tablet yesterday. Husband helped with walking but I had nausea and slept 2hours soundly at noon. Gave it up today.
Maybe it is one of those side effects that primarily occurs in women (I'm a 66 yr old female). Many of the older meds were trialed mostly with men, plus PD is more common in men than in women, so those 2 factors make me think that maybe women respond differently than what "the common" side effects listed and the doctors haven't quite recognized other side effects that might be more common in women. Interesting!
This is interesting. I am female and newly diagnosed (at 57 years old). I feel that my symptoms are well controlled but stiffness in my right leg that comes and goes makes me walk with a limp. it was fine for my late evening walk tonight. Haven’t been able to really tie it to my c/l dosing schedule. I need to start a journal. I also take 2g of B1 per day. Not sure if I should keep adjusting the B1.
Do u have an exercise program? I know that when I don't exercise symptoms get more pronounced- when I do exercise I actually start feeling like my old self again.. I've tried this many times and it always shows this..
I am pretty active but I don't have an exercise program per se & would like to incorporate strength training & cardio in my day/week. Is there any specific type of exercise that you've found to be particularly helpful?
The best exercise is the one that you like to do, because you will keep doing it.
I walk a lot- but I push hard -swing my arms - vary my strides - so short then longer..and I walk about 45mins non stop and fairly fast- Walking is great because it's easy on the joints (unlike running) I do this at least 5 days/week. I also work out with weights and a bowflex machine. It strengthens the muscles and is good for co-ordination and strength. If you do these things I bet some of your symptoms would go.
Dr. Ahlskog’s, book is outstanding! I have both the early and latest versions! I have the same problem with bradykinesia! My legs get stiff for a number of hours, but, I don’t take Sinemet before bed. Also, Sinemet helps ease my stiffness, but it takes a couple of hours after I take a dose, for it to help much. My slowness in walking is usually present most of the time. There’s no magic pill, that seems to help me speed up walking. Basically, I am slow with getting dressed, because I lose my balance, and my arm and leg movements, are just slower, than normal people, who don’t have PD. Good luck with your new doctor! Just plainly tell him that the bradykinesia seems to stay with you, after you take c/l!