Trying requip and : today and dropping down... - Cure Parkinson's

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Trying requip and

akgirlsrock profile image
23 Replies

today and dropping down my cardopa/levadopa to 1 pill, because it gives me Dyskinesia it has improved since I am on entacopone which I was doing 1 half cardopa/levadopa 3 times a day in April and one ER 50 200 at bedtime with half muscle relaxers 4 times a day and half Anxiety morn/ bedtime when I was visiting my mom in Texas . Felt pretty good, no Dystonia. Now back in Alaska and I had a hard time getting back on my schedule of 3 at 3x a day and 1 ER bedtime. Wearing off 1 half earley and find I had to add two more doses, nightime ER wearing off earlier at 5 am instead of 8am in Texas. So started taking 1 half and the other night I woke up at 2:40 am took the other half of ER. So I wouldn't wake up with Dystonia.

Also My Anxiety was getting better so I stopped that. felt sad yesterday missing my mom, so I took half an Anxiety. Also This moring at 5 am I took half muscle/half anxiety fell back to sleep until 9am no Shaking/Dystonia. I took my new pills requip, 1levadopa, no problems but I was shaking a bit. Second dose ok, felt a little weird depression,shaking a bit, 5 PM. Requip, 1dopa, half muscle, started cramping legs,feet. 6:42 pm shaking still at and slight cramping in legs. Also that 5 PM requip dose felt weird depression then it goes away. I just don't like this drug because it's addictive and bad withdrawals when you want to get off of it, I seen some videos on YouTube, that's why I want not to take the Anxiety pills anymore. I liked to try something natural for calming/Anxiety. Ashwagandha helps so I'm told. I kinda looking forward to getting of of cardopa/levadopa, so I wouldn't have to wait 30 minutes after my pills to eat protein. Also dr. Gave me rasagiline before requip, but I haven't used it yet, I was reading you could get a to much serotonin. So I pretty sure I don't take that now, at least it wasn't in my new directions. Ugh, Please heavenly father, let them find a cure soon for all us Suffering from Parkinsons. 7 PM shaking still. Thanks

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akgirlsrock profile image
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23 Replies
Chicafromchitown profile image

I had a very bad experience with requip, when I stop taking it, horrible withdrawals so I suggest you stop taking it before it’s too late!!!

akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to Chicafromchitown

What are you taking, the Dr. Is just trying to get rid of my Dyskinesia which was was helped with entacopone brought it down a lot, just a bit of swaying. Since I'm down to 1 cardopa/levadopa pill 25/100 with the requip I have no Dyskinesia, but my tremor is not under control. He'll probably up the dose of requip, which I'm afraid of.

Chicafromchitown profile image
Chicafromchitown in reply to akgirlsrock

I am saying that requip is a very bad medication, very difficult to stop taking it when you want to stop.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Chicafromchitown

It is true it can have very bad adverse effects. Not everybody experiences them. It should only be used as a last resort. For akgirl it is being used as a last resort, so I cannot fault her and her doctor in this case.

Enidah profile image

You wrote that you took the other half of the ER and I just wanted to point out that we shouldn’t break them in half, extended release has been taken whole.

Your post is a great example of the meds run around we go through. I can tell my honeymoon phase is definitely disappearing. I was diagnosed six years ago and I’m just now finding it difficult to get the doses and times right. Yeah sure frustrating!

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Enidah

My Sinemet CR 50/200 tabs come scored in the middle for the purpose of dividing in half. Some time release medications like rytary cannot be divided. So it depends on the exact medication.

Enidah profile image
Enidah in reply to park_bear

Thank you for the information, PB. There is always more to learn. I’ve been having such a hard time with the extended release. It just doesn’t seem as reliable as the immediate release. I wondered what your schedule is with that. From what you said it seems to work for you I was wondering if you have any hints on taking it.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Enidah

Some people have reported differences between different brands. I wonder if that has something to do with it. As for scheduling I have never done anything special. Back when I was taking CR 50/200 3 times a day all I did was to space them out evenly.

Otherwise, be sure not to take it the same time as vitamin B6, which will be in any multivitamin. Also the usual precautions about eating protein.

akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to park_bear

Anything with iron, will interfere as well, I have better luck taking pills first in the morning, then 30 minutes later, eat my eggs with avocado. PD digestive system slows down, If I eat protein which is a small portion, even beans, it interferes with my ER 50/200 at 8PM. Even if I waited 2 or 3 hours later. I ate a homemade burrito tonight at 6PM and my Last pills was at 4PM. I wasn't tremoring until after the protein. Had to wait until 8PM , I'm trying to stay on schedule. Tomorrow I will not have protein for dinner and see if I get tremors early before 8 pm. Also, since I stopped requip, I feel better, but it has made my tremor worse , it's seems like, I never tremored like this.

Connie18 profile image

What muscles relaxer do you use and does it work as i get bad side effects of dystonia from taking Sinemet and i would,like to,be able, to reduce it by,using a relaxant. I sometimes take larazapam in the,day,time which,helps,and gives me,another,hours,one time but it makes me sleepy,and so,that's been why i,take it,at,bedtime and it, helps the,simemet,200cr,i,take at bedtime last all,night, but it's not ideal,for day and I'm looking to,find a muscles relant,for,the,day as im,on,too much,Sinemet and it has caused me to loose my,voices due, vocal, dystonia

Here here bout acure. I don't have a the shakes but not being able to talk or breathe due to ridgitity in my throat is as bad. We are all,so different there're can't be just one lid fits aLl but the what they call the gold standard simemet is 50 years old and has so many awful side effects they're worse than the condition for me.

akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to Connie18

Baclofen, I am prescribed 3 a day, but I only use half, then if I feel Dystonia coming on during the day I'll take another half. Also I had Botox from a Neuro dr., it has helped a bit, I still get it but I can handle the bbn pain better, I just probably need a higher dose my nest visit.

Connie18 profile image
Connie18 in reply to Connie18

I was told baclllfrn had bad effect on PD making muscles weaker. I'm into natural thinks but I've tried everything on this page s for nothing hss worked . My issues are to powerful but I still o but now I'll take anything thst gets me through day/ night as,I'm constantly in pain i,just want to to go away

akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to Connie18

I think my legs did feel a bit weak,but I was still able to walk fine. I started using just half.

akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to Connie18

Pain as in Dystonia, I don't have any pain except that when that happens.

Allyn profile image

Try Valerian Root tincture. Cannabis (indica) also.

akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to Allyn

Does the valerian work pretty good, I was searching Amazon for vits, and found homeopathic muscle relaxers. I wonder if they would work.

Allyn profile image
Allyn in reply to akgirlsrock

The Valerian helps me especially with "internal" tremors. If I'm feeling nervous physically

laglag profile image

This shows how the different meds effect everyone differently. I was on Requip yrs ago & didn't have side effects, a little nausea at first, but had to go off because of med I took for breast cancer, Tamoxifen. That's when I started C/L. The doctor put me on Encaptone this year & it causes a lot of dsykensia for me. They also put me on Lexapro for anxiety & it helped it, but now I have a bit of depression? What antidepressant do you take?

akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to laglag

I was giving some but I don't take them, I feel that I'm not really depressed, just get anxiety I start to think about things that upset me. I do have a anxiety med and only take them if I really need them. I'm gonna try ashwagandha it's calming and neuro protective, order B1 thiamine, Magnesium glycinate relaxing or threonate good for nervous system, c whole food good for inflammation and keeps your immune system healthy, we need a good amount, if you get diarrhea then you know you've taken to much just back off a bit. Animals make vitamin C we don't, so we must supplement it. Triphola herb for constipation. Magnow also helps get Magnesium into your cells faster. We are all very deficient in Magnesium, since the soil is depleted. I follow Morley Robbins, I joined a Facebook group following his Magnesium protocol. Their are homeopathics for anxiety, muscle relaxers, and for depression, I'm gonna look into that. Take care, Maria

laglag profile image

Wow! Thanks for all the good information. I take ashwagandha, it's part of a supplement called Protandim.

Kecher profile image

To relax I like to use Enhanced Stress Relief by Life Extension. Each capsule contains 200 mg L-Theanine and 300 mg of Lemon Balm extract.

neilp02 profile image

Hi Akgirlsrock!! Sorry to hear that you are having problems with your Parkinsons too. Your situation sounds similar to mine in that I have very bad shaking and tremors in my legs, during my off times. I have been taking stalevo for it about 6 times a day. I usually get hit with these symptoms several times a day and am forced to discontinue whatever, I'm doing and wait it out in my recliner. I just may need some additional adjustments made in my routine, don't know. I really can't get much help from my neurologist, as they would rather refer my case to the local area Parkinsons disease specialist I am trying to get on the B1 program and hope that this will lead to some relief in time. Hope that you can find something that will help you. If I can be of any help, just let me know.

akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to neilp02

Thank you

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