PSOAS muscle : Parkinson'so is not a dise... - Cure Parkinson's

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PSOAS muscle : Parkinson'so is not a disease?

aspergerian profile image
8 Replies

Recently, Mulberry4355 presented what may prove to be an important aspect of how PD is conceived, visualized, understood (at least for one or more subgroups).

Parkinson'so is not a disease?


Some informative links:

"In fact, whether you run, bike, dance, practice yoga, or just hang out on your couch, your psoas muscles are involved. That’s because your psoas muscles are the primary connectors between your torso and your legs. They affect your posture and help to stabilize your spine."

"Welcome to CoreAwareness,™ an educational website dedicated to understanding the Psoas through enhanced somatic awareness."

Psoas Major: a case report and review of its anatomy, biomechanics, and clinical implications.

Parkinson's disease with camptocormia.

Postural & striatal deformities in Parkinson's disease: Are these rare?

[personal anecdote, 2005] I had taken a long hike toward the base of a mtn climbers' steep ascent. Could not see westwards. Clouds began spilling over the ridge line. Lightning started. Time to descend somewhat. Lightning was moving slowly along an adjacent moraine. I kept moving, with my fanny back and full water bottles on my front side, my camera backpack in place. With hiking sticks I made good time. Ahead of the lightening. The jog/walk sprained my back. Within a year or so, I developed severe leg cramps and began slow fecal transit. To this day, I use a rolled towel behind my back while I drive. A cylindrical pillow in an easy chair also helps. Had I sprained my PSOAS muscle(s)? Probably. Was this an etiological factor in my PD or in hastening its appearance? Maybe. Consistent with some of the links Mulberry4355 posted.

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aspergerian profile image
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8 Replies
park_bear profile image

I can entertain the notion that an injury to the psoas muscle could set off a cascade of events resulting in Parkinson's.

However, "Mulberry" says that Parkinson's "is not a disease" but is an evolutionary adaptation to being hunted or some such. This reveals a stunning ignorance of how evolution works. Please let us not perpetuate profound ignorance.

zanzir profile image
zanzir in reply to park_bear

laughing my ass out here. that's some solid bro-science they have there, you gotta acknowledge that

Josiedub profile image
Josiedub in reply to park_bear

I am sorry park bear but you are the one who is ignorant. Stop bullying people who have great ideas you never thought of. When it does not fit into your theorie about the world does not mean there is truth in it.

beauxreflets profile image

There is a difference between Parkinson's disease & Parkinsonism.

aspergerian profile image
aspergerian in reply to beauxreflets

"Parkinson’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative cause of parkinsonism."


Contributed by David John Burn, MD, FRCP.

Professor, Clinical Ageing Reserach Unit.

Campus for Ageing and Vitality, Newcastle University.

Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.

The defining feature of parkinsonism is bradykinesia, or slowness with decrement and degradation of repetitive movements (“fatigue”). Subtle “bradykinesia” has been reported to occur in the “normal elderly” population, but this may reflect a non-specific slowness rather than bradykinesia as defined above. Parkinson’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative cause of parkinsonism. Other causes include multiple system atrophy, progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration.

These other neurodegenerative conditions are sometimes grouped together under term of “atypical parkinsonism” or “parkinson-plus syndromes”. They do not respond as well to dopaminergic treatments and generally have a worse prognosis compared to typical Parkinson’s disease. Degenerative causes of parkinsonism may be difficult to diagnose in the earliest stages and ancillary investigations may be of limited value in this instance.

[anecdote] My first and obvious impairment of movement was left leg dragging of heel. This occurred a day after a cerebral event (I clearly felt) that was later identified as a lacunar infarct (CAT scan).

beauxreflets profile image

" [anecdote] My first and obvious impairment of movement was left leg dragging of heel. This occurred a day after a cerebral event (I clearly felt) that was later identified as a lacunar infarct (CAT scan). "

My PD became 'noticeable for diagnosis' after an injury to my arm and I feel sure my spinal stenosis plays a part. Injuries are perhaps weakened areas that effectively provide a window as well as a contribution by hindering the passage of nervous signals, transmission.

Hikoi profile image


I dont follow he relevance of the last 2 references to the suggestion that pd starts in the psoasis muscle area,. As i read it these deformities are caused by degeneration in parts of the brain. However thankyou for these referencs, i found them interesting and useful.

aspergerian profile image
aspergerian in reply to Hikoi

Preliminary sketch: Researching innervation of the psoas muscle led to the Lumbar plexus and the intricacy of spinal nerves. Here is a study that looked for alpha-synuclein in nerves that happen to be close to the psoas muscle.

Multi-organ distribution of phosphorylated alpha-synuclein histopathology in subjects with Lewy body disorders.

Beach TG, et al.

Acta Neuropathol 2010 Jun;119(6):689-702.

The topographical distribution and density of Lewy bodies and their associated abnormal neurites are much greater than formerly appreciated... Furthermore, it is also now more clearly apparent that Lewy body pathology frequently extends to the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system... Despite these recent achievements, there has not yet been published a wide survey of the distribution of Lewy-type histopathological changes in the peripheral nervous system...

The results of this investigation support prior studies... that have indicated that PASH is widespread throughout the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system of subjects with PD. The present study adds to this body of knowledge by providing data for other Lewy body disorders including DLB, ILBD and ADLB, by surveying many more sites than had previously been investigated, and using large enough sample sizes to provide preliminary estimates of the relative frequency and density of α-synuclein histopathology at these locations.

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