Some Relief for Hands & Legs Tremor - Cure Parkinson's

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Some Relief for Hands & Legs Tremor

Ramuu profile image
24 Replies

My hand tremor has considerably reduced !! posted for the benefits of fellow suffers. If it does not suit some one, please ignore it.

Try drinking Lemon Grass Tea with Honey , one may also take Prime Rose Oil Gel Caps 300mg x 2 times daily.

For Hands & Legs Tremor

Adho Mukha Svanasana :downward-facing dog Pose ; please see link

PS : Put pressure on both hands and legs ; do it only in empty stomach; best time early morning or in the evening after 4 hrs of Lunch, 10 counts x 5 times to 10 times slowly increase every day by 2-3 counts . Take deep breath slowly deep inhale & exhale .

To take rest in-between, one can go relaxing pose , Rabbit pose or Better :

For only Hands Tremor

Bhujangasana : Cobra Pose : Please see link :

PS : Same as above

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Ramuu profile image
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24 Replies
ryanJames1 profile image

Do you have aysemetrical tremor in arm and leg?

Ramuu profile image
Ramuu in reply to ryanJames1

I get tremor in my left hand under stress or during weaning-off medication. I get tremor in my left leg only some times when I'm under stress. Now it has considerably reduced.

ryanJames1 profile image
ryanJames1 in reply to Ramuu

Do you have any other symptoms? I have the same but a bit more leg tremor, not choosing to do meds yet. Trying to do Qigong and yoga I'm a bit unco! But will keep practicing :)

Ramuu profile image
Ramuu in reply to ryanJames1

Good , please don't take medication until you feel ,it is necessary.

I have PD since 2009 , I never took medication until 2013. I'm only on Ayurvaidic , Kapikachhu Indian MP , Ashwagandha tabs, Shuddha Guggul and Bhruhath Triphala for constipation from Vaidhyaratnam Kerala India. I'm maintaining with these medication plus exercise, walking, yoga and cycling. Even today, by the grace of God, I drive car , scooter and bicycle on public roads with mad traffic

During off period I have rigidity , slowness and muscle pain, but I can manage without any help

ryanJames1 profile image
ryanJames1 in reply to Ramuu

You are very inspirational , and yes glass half full we can still count our blessings thank you

zawy profile image

Be careful with the cobra pose.  Many older people have lower back problems due to an undiagnosed case of Spondylolysis.    Bending back like this could be a very bad idea in those cases.

Ramuu profile image

You are absolutely right, it can cause damage to people , who has lower back problem. That is why I have  clearly put it, only  for those for whom it suits, rest can ignore my posting.

Thanks  for pointing out limitations

Beckey profile image

Both poses are part of my daily yoga routine. Still shaking however (right hand/arm only).

Ramuu profile image

Please try staying in same pose for longer time, say 10 counts x 10 times, increase the counts by 2 go upto 20 counts, not more. Please don't over do,   please don't do more than your body can withstand.

Please drink more lemon grass tea with honey and evening prime rose oil  300mg  capsules x 2 times daily, this may also help you.

GOD bless you and your family



Laurelf profile image
Laurelf in reply to Ramuu

Ramuu, Thank you for your post. I will try the lemon grass tea and the Prime Rose capsules. I have the internal invisible shaking in my right hand. It feels like my hand has a little beating heart inside of it. I mostly feel it in the morning when the world is quiet. It just started about one month ago. LF

Ramuu profile image
Ramuu in reply to Laurelf

Good luck !! God Bless You to over come the problem

KERRINGTON profile image
KERRINGTON in reply to Laurelf

Hi ! Did the Lemon Grass Tea, and Prim Rose capsules ever help relieve your tremors ?

Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to Ramuu

Where can i get rose oil gel caps

I have found straining muscles aids my shakes did not realise there could be something in it will try to progress and set myself a system ta

racerCP profile image

I have found the most effective way of diminishing or

stopping tremors  is beer.  Anyone else have that effect?

pushkin profile image
pushkin in reply to racerCP

LOL LOL LOL best cure of all!

Laurelf profile image
Laurelf in reply to racerCP

I drink a beer when my stomach is out of wack, pain or heartburn- 10 minutes or less... I'm done. I'm better! Like now the heartburn is gone! Just be sure to be sitting upright because you will have a big burp/belch!

Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to racerCP

Ill try it

albachiara2 profile image
albachiara2 in reply to racerCP

Sai, ora che ci penso, lo notai anni fa.

Adesso assumendo farmaci per il Parkinson evito di bere anche quel raro bicchiere di birra che bevevo prima

alanrob profile image

I was told that if the tremor stops with significant amount of alcahol its more likely you have benign essential tremor rather than parkinsons,with enthusiasm i put it to the test,my tremor was still present although i was less aware of it,or anything else!!!

racerCP profile image
racerCP in reply to alanrob

I was told that as well but...just because you may have essential tremor does not rule out PD. Tough luck for me.

Rosabellazita profile image

I cant find rose oil gel caps

Rosabellazita profile image

Is primrose the same as prime rose

Ramuu profile image

Primerose oil capsules :

It is available on Amazon India

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