YOGA FOR PD : Yes ; Yoga helps a lot for PD... - Cure Parkinson's

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Ramuu profile image
15 Replies

Yes ; Yoga helps a lot for PD patients. I was diagnosed with PD since 2010. I regularly do free exercises, yoga, walk for 2 Kms in the morning, this helps a lot in doing your routine work smoothly without any help from others. I am totally on Ayurvedic Medicine & Yoga +. Please find below you tube links of simple yoga poses ; which you can slowly pick up. Slowly add two asanas / poses everyday , slowly build up.

*** Yoga should be done with Empty stomach ( Lime water OK ; some citrus fruits also OK ) or after 4 hrs of having food.

** Always do 15 to 20 Mins of free exercises ( viz; Leg swinging, hand rotation, arms swinging, wrist rotation, trunk rotation, bending back ward & forward, side wise, knee rotation, sit-ups etc ) before doing yoga ; in between please take lime water for energy and also flushes out dead cells from the body .

> Surya Namaskara : 13 times ( slowly build up day by day 3, 6, 9, 11, 13 ) ; this comprises of many major poses of yoga , do it slowly , do it with deep breathing - inhale & exhale . This gives strength & flexibility to all body parts :

After above ; please take rest for 3 to 5 mins lying down facing ceiling ; slowly calm down breathing to normal .

> Vakrasana ;do it slowly , do it with deep breathing - inhale & exhale. This is good for nervous system, spine and helps in flexibility and balance

> Lizard & pigeon poses : do it slowly , do it with deep breathing - inhale & exhale. helps flexibility for hip region, neck region, relives pain in these regions which is common among PD patients

>Bhujangasana :Opens up the shoulders and neck. Tones the abdomen,Strengthens the entire back and shoulders,Improves flexibility of the upper and middle back,Expands the chest, Improves blood circulation,Reduces fatigue and stress,Useful for people with respiratory disorders such as asthma. (Do not practice this yoga pose during the attack though)

> Verabhadrasana :Strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles and back ,Opens yours hips, chest and lungs, Improves focus, balance and stability ,Encourages good circulation and respiration, Stretches your arms, legs, shoulders, neck, belly, groins and ankles, Energizes the entire body :

>Chakrasana : - Strengthens the liver, pancreas and kidneys , Strengthens the muscles of the hands and feet , Increases elasticity of the spinal cord, Excellent for the heart, Strengthens the vertebral column and increases the oxygen in-take capacity, Beneficial for your cardiovascular, glandular and nervous systems health, Prevents respiratory disorders and relieves stiffness of joints, back, shoulder and the thoracic cage, Recommended for anyone suffering digestive or respiratory disorders, Very useful in treating diabetes, asthma, constipation and obesity, Has a positive effect on hormonal secretions

> Dhanurasana : Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles ,Stimulates the reproductive organs

Opens up the chest, neck and shoulders,Tones the leg and arm muscles,Adds greater flexibility to the back,Good stress and fatigue buster,Relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation,Helps people with renal (kidney) disorders

> Halasana ( Not advisable for BP patients ) : do it slowly , do it with deep breathing - inhale & exhale, Back bone flexibility + other advantages : diseases like diabetes, obesity, constipation, stomach disorders, blood pressure and menstrual disorders.

> Gomukasana

>Sarvangasana ( Don't do it ; if you have undergone spinal or cervical operation, not advisable for BP patients ) : Stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands and normalises their functions, Strengthens the arms and shoulders and keeps the spine flexible, Nourishing brain with more blood, Stretches the heart muscles by returning more venous blood to the heart, Brings relief from constipation, indigestion and varicose veins :

Pranayama with following sequence :

1.Kapalabhati:( NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BP Patients ) 1 or 2 or max 3 Mins : It is invigorating and warming. It helps to cleanse the lungs, sinuses, and respiratory system, which can help to prevent illness and allergies. Regular practice strengthens the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. This exercise also increases your body’s oxygen supply, which stimulates and energizes the brain while preparing it for meditation and work that requires high focus. :

2. Omkara : 5 to 10 Mins ... depending on your comfort.

3. Ujjai : 5 to 10 Mins... depending on your comfort.

4.Nadishodana : 5 to 10 Mins... depending on your comfort.

4. Bhramari : 5 to 10 Mins... depending on your comfort.

> Shavasana : Very Important : This posture brings a deep, meditative state of rest, which may help in the repair of tissues and cells, and in releasing stress. It also gives time for the yoga workout to sink in at a deeper level. This posture leaves you in a state of rejuvenation. It is the perfect way to end a yoga session, particularly if it has been a fast-paced one. It helps reduce blood pressure, anxiety, and insomnia. This is an excellent way to ground the body and reduce the Vata dosha(imbalance of the air element) in the body.

If you need any clarifications ; please let me know




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Ramuu profile image
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15 Replies
answerseeker profile image

I love doing Yoga. For PD if you do nothing else, scroll down and try the "Alternate Nostril Breathe" to balance both sides of the brain. This helps with focus and overall brain communication and stress reduction. Work up to 20 minutes if you can on a daily basis.

Vivante profile image
Vivante in reply to answerseeker

Nadi Shodhanam or alternate nostril breathing is a channel purification. According to the information provided by Rolf Sovik June 11 2013, there are contraindications. These are them, "Do not practice channel purification if

You are tired and cannot concentrate.

You have severe headache.

You're overly restless and agitated (get some rest instead)

You're running a fever.

You have a seizure disorder.

Noises in the head develop--simply discontinue the practice.

Info. provided in the magazine Yoga International.

I have taught people with Parkinson's, some were confined to a wheelchair, and could hardly remain still long enough for the hands to be placed in the position required. The last time I taught a person with the condition a few years ago, she was unable to remain still long enough to rest in Savasana. I encouraged her to rest in a position that she felt comfortable in. Perhaps you should do a little more research regarding the risk of osteoporosis. Look on the American website, look on the Canadian website. You would be surprised at what you find.

are you doing Aurevedic herbs? I;ve been scared to try them because of the lack of heavy metal testing. where did you get them if they have been tested?

Ramuu profile image
Ramuu in reply to

Yes, from Vaidyaratnam Kerala ( INDIA) , I had been there, I have seen their factory, R&D and Hospital . Products available online shipment world wide. Visit site ,

Vivante profile image

I have only just found this information and am horrified. It is obvious the person who recommended all of these positions did not do her research. Some years ago a lady came to me with Parkinson's, she had gone to a class previous to coming to me class and what she told me was frightening. Salute's to the sun is no-go area for people with medical conditions.

I cannot make any more statements, I am horrified at the lack of knowledge many teachers have. After so many years teaching, I have found there are no changes, too many people with medical conditions are still being put at risk

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Vivante

Huh? I do Sun Salutation first thing every morning as part of my yoga routine, Each person is individual - one cannot make a generalization that such and such an asana is a "no-go" for anyone with a "medical condition".

Vivante profile image
Vivante in reply to park_bear

British Wheel of yoga clearly stated Head should not be lower than the heart if a person has eye/ear conditions, migraine/headaches. high blood pressure/heart conditions. Tratakam should be avoided by people with epilepsy.

Yoga East stated waist should not be above the heart , osteoporosis, heart conditions, etc.

I state according to what I know, by the people I have taught and by the information that has been provided by a person who had Parkinson's disease and wrote an excellent book "Anatomy of Hatha yoga." H. David Coulter. Died June 9 2011, aged 71. It took him some years to write that book, he had Parkin son's disease.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Vivante

These are still over-generalizations. For persons with high blood pressure there is indeed reason for caution regarding inverted positions. For PD nothing wrong with getting more circulation to the brain. Likewise for the ear condition known as tinnitus, which I happen to have.

Vivante profile image
Vivante in reply to park_bear

Daily Mirror today, page 5. "Quote-Doctor's described a small hole in his brain's outer layer and noted Ali reported a tingling sensation in his hands and slurred speech) unquote". Ali was diagnosed in 1984.

A small hole in the brain is known as a Foramen Magnum. It may have been congenital. In the same way that a person may have been born with a PFO, (patent foramen ovale). I was born with that. I believe it is also known as Atrial septal defect, the hole was too close to the arteries, so it had to be open heart surgery.

Sky Greats changed the programme on the TV last night and filmed "Ali". My husband and I watched and I noticed the way he was punched in the throat, which I felt some concern regarding the carotid artery, re- dissection. I watched and realised what was happening. Foramun magnum is associated with Parkinson's disease.

I firmly believe, based on that information everyone should be checked out by the medical experts. My son has dystonia, he had deep brain surgery.

Please take care of yourself.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Vivante

> Foramun magnum is associated with Parkinson's disease.

You have a link for that?

PD: 10% is thought to be due to genetics. Persons with pesticide exposure have an extremely high odds ratio for ending up with PD. Those are the only associations I know of.

Ramuu profile image
Ramuu in reply to park_bear

Yes , this one ??

Vivante profile image
Vivante in reply to park_bear

Daily Mirror article, dated Monday 6.6.2016. Page 5. Comment made caused concern for a person I know who has Parkinson's. I explained to her there is no cause for concern.

Comment--"Doctors described a small hole in his brain's outer layer".--

The brain is protected by the cranium, from which there is a large outlet, this is known as the foramen magnum, big hole. It is at the bottom of the skull, that hole is for the spinal bulb, the spinal cord, the two cavities for the eyeballs and optic nerves and cranial nerves.

A neurologist may need to know the size of the hole, if it is small, it may cause compression.

I believe the information I have may be useful and further research will fill in the gaps.

I wish you well.

Ramuu profile image

Please practice, If one can do it comfortably. If anybody experiences any discomfort, please don't do it, irrespective of if one has medical conditions or don't have any medical conditions. I have highlighted that for certain conditions, some asanas are not advisable.

Yoga expert B.K.S. Iyenger ( Google search to know more about him ), who spread yoga to the western world had many medical issues !!! Please read

Vivante profile image
Vivante in reply to Ramuu

I know of B.K.S. Iyengar. I used to have his book, 'Light on yoga'. Did you know that he was bullied? He did not give in to bullies, he fought hard and did not give up.

Keep well.


Ramuu profile image

Thank you

God Bless You and Your Family

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