I have not taken any meds yet but do have... - Cure Parkinson's

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I have not taken any meds yet but do have a tremor. I tried aziliect but had anxiety and panic after only 2 days. My Doc. said come of

cshamb profile image
21 Replies

it for a while. Has anyone had problems when first starting the med. I think the pd started about 3-4 years ago. Thanks

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cshamb profile image
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21 Replies
maryalice profile image

When I was diagnosed I didn't take any meds for about a year. When I started taking Sinemet I got very anxious and depressed.I went to Duke in N.C. and the doctor put me on Mirapex and Amanadine. I've been on them ever since then. The medication affects people differently. Have you thought about doing some Natural Remedies?

cshamb profile image
cshamb in reply to maryalice

That is what I would rather do but don't know what. Do you know of a natural remedy. Thanks for your reply

landman profile image
landman in reply to cshamb

Want remedies? Seek a homeopathic MD. They will treat the body .not the disease!

soccertese profile image
soccertese in reply to cshamb

sinemet is as "natural" as you can get, it contains levodopa, a naturally occurring amino acid. it does contain carbidopa which is synthetic but sinemet has been in use since 1970. join a support group and see what other people are taking, you'd be amazed how well people do on the right mix of drugs.

what amazes me is that before sinemet came on the market a pd'er got little relief, i imagined they suffered horribly as they progressed, when you advanced far enough the only choice was brain surgery to destroy part of your brain, MJF got this surgery. now people are "afraid" of sinemet and pd drugs? don't get it.

everyone is different, i tried mirapex, then requip, then sinemet and am doing ok on it and azilect 12 years after diagnosis.

keep an eye on exercise research. some neuros think it is the best therapy and one"s goal is to be medicated well enough so you can exercise.

maryalice profile image
maryalice in reply to cshamb

There is a lot of information on the Parkinson's Recovery Radio Show. parkinsonsrecovery.com/ Blessing.

froggatt55 profile image

There is no right answer to this as we are all so different

I use Azilect but it was prescribed after I was taking Sinemet and Amantadine (and my Ropinirol as replaced with Requip XL). I have to say that the addition of Azilect changed my life but was it the Azilect or the combination?

I have been taking this cocktail for 6 years and leave a pretty normal life (I have been diagnosed 11 years). I should add that I exercise every day and have recently started boxing training twice a week so is it the combination of drugs and exercise that keeps me so well?

I would add two things - but bear in mind I am a lay PwP

I, and many others, believe that Azilect is Neuro-Protective

It is my view that there is a shift in the overall opinion of neurologists that it is better to start drugs sooner rather than later

landman profile image
landman in reply to froggatt55

I agree we are all different. As for me I am on cocktail of Azilect, Amantadine, (my wonder drug) and Neupro patch. I like you exercise everyday.

froggatt55 profile image
froggatt55 in reply to landman

Hi Landman - I also believe amantadine is a wonder drug and prevents - or slows down - any dyskinesia developing

Exercise is key I agree

My sister used to live Phoenix and I vacationed there many times. I love the desert in the early morning and actually learned to ride western style

I have one wish that I can cross the Colorado into Nevada on the bridge which was being built the last 3 times I was in Az and travelling to Las Vegas

kind regards


Chrissie456 profile image
Chrissie456 in reply to froggatt55

I take Azilect as a neuro-protective. My specialist was very keen that I take it. Fortunately I have no side-effects and have been taking it for a year now and my PD seems to be slightly better. I take no other drugs - just copious quantities of coconut oil!

froggatt55 profile image
froggatt55 in reply to Chrissie456

Hi Chrissie456

That's great to hear - you have an enlightened specialist!!

If I was starting over, I would definitely start with Azilect. In fact I am corresponding with John Pepper who has written a book called Reversing Parkinson's which I am currently reading and the only drug he has used is in the same category of Mao-b inhibiter as Azilect.

In fact, John is very keen to have PwP who only use a Mao-b inhibiter to follow his regime to see if the results he has achieved can be replicated. I am a fan of John's but cannot be in any such trial because of the drugs I take - even if my drugs and exercise regime etc. keeps my Parkinson's under control I cannot replicate his achievements in a scientific sense.

If you are interested, you could download his book as a Kindle book (I have it on a tablet) for the equivalent of £6.00 and if you think you could follow his regime, you could just message him on this site - or ask me to contact him on your behalf

Kind regards


PS - I am thinking of trying the Coconut Oil - how do you take it?

Chrissie456 profile image
Chrissie456 in reply to froggatt55

Hi Bob, Thanks for the info about the book - it sounds very interesting. I shall certainly contact John. I take my coconut oil straight out of the jar on a spoon! It's very cloying so I would rather take it quickly than mix in with other things and prolong the agony. I now take one or two tablespoons three times a day. There are some really good threads on here about the benefits and advice on how much to take - when I first began I was not having enough to achieve the best results. Just do a search on here for coconut oil. It's now 11pm here and I'm stil feeling great - the test will come tomorrow morning when I get up!



froggatt55 profile image
froggatt55 in reply to Chrissie456

Keep in touch Chrissie - I would like to know how things progress - I'll buy the coconut oil Friday if it's I the UK supermarkets

Kind regards


Chrissie456 profile image
Chrissie456 in reply to froggatt55

Tesco's have it at about £6 for a 283ml pot. It's with the cooking oils not the health foods! I'll let you know how I am tomorrow.

Anid profile image

Hi, I also became aware of PD about 4 years ago. I am using Parkilyne and Pexola .375. I tried Azilect, but my Med Aid do not pay anything towards that. It did me well. My tremors are mild, but the minute I stress, I start shaking badly. I think anxiety and depressing is part of having PD. I use anti depressants - it makes my life easier to cope with, but do not make me feel like a zombie I am very active and positive.

landman profile image
landman in reply to Anid

Try substituting anti depressants with pot.

ftadh profile image
ftadh in reply to landman

Cant get pot legally in ireland where do you live

landman profile image
landman in reply to ftadh

Nevada, USA

PatV profile image

I wish I had tried Azilect before sinimet but not available then.

harding55 profile image

I tried azilect shortly after being diagnosed in 2007 but it also gave me anxiety and panic attacks and every time I would drive my car I would start crying and couldn't stop. I quit taking it. Never again!

quirkyme profile image

my husband is on RopineroleXL, Azilect, Modafinil, benztropine (one pill which he takes at night), and Amantadine. He's had good response to them up to now. Recently started on carbidopa/levidopa because symptoms are progressing (diagnosed in 2007 but it had been coming on a long time, we now realize). Taking that has been like going back in time because his functioning has really improved.

We try to exercise every day (walking) and he goes to a PT for exercises. His shoulder and back muscles are very tight. Also massage when we can afford them. (they really relax those tight, rigid muscles). Exercise is supposed to be neuro-protective, of course, which we hear from many docs.

mikaele profile image

Watch the coconut oil watch the calories and remember its saturated fat. There's a reason most dr dont recommend. I gained weight super fast on it. I was agile and super mobile but at what cost. I take coconut oil chews from gnd now. Not as good but.... I also cook with it.

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