complete it. Sounds crazy, I know but I'm wondering if it is caused by the PD? It is very frustrating.
Here is a really strange question. Do an... - Cure Parkinson's
Here is a really strange question. Do any of you have trouble completing a yawn? I have times when I need to yawn but I am unable to

Strange phenomenon. Just an idea, but I bet you are in a relationship or married? Could it be that your spouse/partner is stopping you complete the yawns because that would count as getting a word in edgeways, and you know you are never allowed to do that.
The basal ganglia (PD most affected region) lies deep within the brain and surround the diencephalon (the region yawning generates from). Definitely a symptom to consult with your doctor/s about. Very curious.

Thanks so much for the info. Perhaps it's not just me.? I will ask my Neurologist about it.
I know exactly what you are talking about. It doesn't happen to me all the time, but it seems like I want to yawn, but when I do I can't get it all out. Then I keep trying to yawn some more.
Is this what you are experiencing too?
YES! It is not all the time but when it happens it lasts for a few days. Just long enough to get me all worried about it and then it's gone again.
The Parkinson's Peaches Phenomenon. P3! Another piece to the puzzle.

I like that. Glad that I could bring a little amusement to you all.
Question: How many people found themselves, as I did, yawning repeatedly while reading the above? I'm not inferring that the comments were boring, they were not. It must be just the power of suggestion, (or maybe the lack of sleep).
hi ronn and all
i have been yawning whils treading hte baove too adn it si def lack fo sleep!
lol Jill
I don't know if this helps, but the not being able to complete a yawn business happens to me quite frequently and I don't have PD. It's been the same for years, but it makes it worse if I think of it when I am about to yawn. I've never really thought of it as a problem though.
I dont know about completing it, sometimes I have trouble stopping it.
Pity they dont have Yawning as an Olympic Sport.
At times I could sleep on a clothes line.
I haven't, but yawning is one of our exercises in Alexander Technique (for parkies) class. Part of guided relaxation. We practice walking and vocalization, best part, lying on floor and yawning!
sometimes my yawn is so big and goes on so long that a bird could fly in and i wouldnt be able to stop it.. lol
I get the yawns as Sinemet kicks in! I doesn't make me sleepy per say, just yawns. Over the course of the last 11 plus years, it's grown to be a barometer for my dosage and timing of dopamine.