is there an alternative to Gabapentin that do... - Pain Concern
is there an alternative to Gabapentin that doesnt cause wight gain
I was on Gabapentin for awhile but had to come off it because of severe headaches. I was put on Pregabalin which is the alternative. It has definitely had some affect of easing pain but unfortunately it also makes you gain weight. This is something I am struggling to deal with as well. Sorry I couldn't of been more help.
Am now on mst, I started on a medium dose, am now up to 60mg twice daily, it helps, no weight gain. Before mst, I was on gabapentin, on which I was 9 tabs daily, on which I started off on 1, then slowly got increased. Did I like gabapentin, then no...
Sorry if this isn't much help....
i alternate between pregabalin and gabapentin.taking one month each,my doctor is happy with me doing this.i have fibromyalgia, radial cuff syndrome,had a broken neck and meningitus,and a stroke,in phenomenal pain all the time,i have amitriptyline to help me sleep,i have gained a lot of weight but i would rather be pain free or lessened than worry about my weight,who cares if i'm 20 stone i don't,death has tried to take me 3 times,more weight don't matter
You sound lovely. I also have fibromyalgia and don't sleep. 30 years of night duty put an end to that. But I'm I've also been diagnosed with breast cancer 😭 And on morphine, I have stopped my gabapentin because it stopped me urinating almost to a dribble. Chesty cough not able to breathe properly. And legs and feet swollen . And severe nausea and vomiting, the tablets for my nausea are disgusting. 2 under my top lips till dissolved, rotten taste in my mouth all day , I've not had them yesterday I refuse, puts me off drink and food. Same effect with my morphine but I can't take anything else because the doctor took my supply away , and it wasn't managing my pain , , I have to walk over a mile today for emergency b12 crash course at the clinic, dreading the effort I will be round like a football by the time I get back home 🏡
I'm going to mention it all to the nurse and hopefully she will pop into the doc for something else. This turned out not to be a short reply!
Sorry 😐
I came across this because I too want a substitute for gabapentin. I am afraid of withdrawal if I don't take it, and that being a monkey on my back, as I wish to be free of any med having a hold on my life if I don't take it. I have been taking it for almost three weeks for the withdraw from suboxone, which I am proud to say I am 28 days clean of it. After all I am accomplishing, I just don't want this med to be another ball and chain. I am not getting high on it nor want to, I have something wrong with my neck, and have never gotten it treated or really checked out. Now that I am not taking suboxone I am feeling all the pain that it was covering up. So I want to get that taken care of.
I am straying from my original reason for replying, which was to say I am proud of your strength you seem to have. It is an inspiration. You are n my prayers. Sending positive vibes your way!
I have replaced gabapentin and Pregabalin with Topiramate, an anticonvulsant, commonly used to prevent migraines. It works brilliantly for me as a painkiller and this year I have lost 15kg without dieting. It was my Pain Consultant that sugested it. I also take morphine and paracetomol, and TRAMODOL.. If I don't over do it my pain is well controlled. re The choice between co codamol and Tramodol I would start with the weakest, co codamol, and it it doesn't suit you try Tramodol, which is stronger. Your Morphine dose is low, so don't be anxious about it. It is normal to take several painkillers from different chemical groups, at the same time, on which basis co- codamol (an opiate) would be a second choice to Tramodol. Good luck.
I was on them but tram and zap wasn't controlling me, now I'm on morphine 😭 The gabapentin has virtually stopped me urinating to a point of constant need and passing a squeeze, also my breathing was laboured and legs and feet huge swollen, that was on 4 tablets a day, I've binned them after 3 days
I prefer my old tablets to be honest
I have reduced to morphine from 40mg 2x daily to 20 twice daily
gabapentin 900 3 x daily
mirtazepin 45mg daily
ibruprofen 400 mg 3 x daily
tramadol 50mg 2 x 4 daily
tranexamic acid 500 mg 2 x 4 daily
paracetamol 400 2x 4 times daily
omeprazole 20 mg 1 twice daily
Oramorph liquid prnl
I have facet and S.I. injections in theatre which hurt like hell but do help with the pain, however when they are wearing off its a balance between me being half comotosed on meds or being in pain and able to function enough for my two chikdren who are only 8 and 9.
Doc removed my tram and zap put me on morphine 40 x2 twice a day slow release, I've refused the gabapentin after 3 days , horrible drug going back today hopefully for an alternative and water tablets to reduce my legs and feet. I have fibromyalgia and breast cancer
You mentioned that you got an SI Joint injection. Is it because of SI Joint instability? If so, there is a new surgery called SI-BONE. You can Google it. It should correct your problem and your pain should go away.
What I do is take it one day and have a break the next. For anyone that says, oh it won't work if you do that. It does FOR ME.
On gabapentin I take 4 3times daily I find I smoke more cigarettes a very much sleep less and very chatty and makes my mouth dry and have a white saliva crap on corners of mouth I started on 1 a night and very soon 4 3x daily anyone else had this or could anyone recommend a replacement usually 1 hour of sleep in 48 hours a little like power nap that lasts for days I need of this but don't know what replace it with my dr just wants them reduced but I want to change it all together. Hope some one here could offer any advice please.