I have been suffering with pain from back passage for a while now and have been told that this is Proctalgia Fugax. After looking this condition up i have seen that people have complained of occasional attacks but i appear to be suffering this constantly which is causing great distress. I am also waiting to go for an enoscomy in the next few weeks..I would be very grateful for any advice offered...
Proctagia Fugax.: I have been suffering with... - Pain Concern
Proctagia Fugax.

Try NHS CHOICES on the internet they will tell you all you need too know on their A to Z of conditions
All the very best

Hi, thanks for replying, i will look this up.I'm also hoping that perhaps someone may have expierenced this and could offer advice...
I have has this a few times didnt know it had a name!! they recommend warm bath, massage area? havent had it for sges but the pain made me feel physically sick, like cramp x

Thank you i have also been advised to do this and it does relieve the pain at the time but when stopped it's bad as ever..
Hi, I know how u feel I get this about once a week and it is horrendous, and often it just comes on in the middle of the night when i am asleep! The only thing that works for me is to take 2 Buscopan tabs and pain killers and either sit on the toilet to pass any wind etc, or sit on hot water bottle. Usually it goes after about half an hour. Wish you well, x
My goodness you must feel so fed up being in this pain almost constantly. I experienced this for about five years. Disappeared eventually as quickly as it arrived.
Mine often came on in middle of night-unconnected with anything to do with bowel etc. Usually lasted about 30 mins. I found sitting on firm surface, and pushing back helped also developed a good relaxation/breathing technique (similar to one I used when in labour)
Obviously not useful when you have constant pain but may help with the more intense episodes.
Stay positive, worry and anxiety really seemed to make mine worse. Hope this helps. K
Hello Shirley64, I know it's 9 years ago when you posted this but I would like to know if anything has helped you get any relief from this horrible pain?