Not been on site for a while as it seemed to be quite , thought everyone was getting ready for Christmas. It is very cold out today and this does not help pain in the joints. Is anyone else suffering the winter type flare ups?, or suffering this chest bug that is going round?. Only remains to wish you all a Happy Christmas and healthy new year keep well and warm till spring comes round.xx
Hi Everyone: Not been on site for a while as it... - Pain Concern
Hi Everyone

Hello Katy
We live on the Scottish Border and by the weather is really cold today.
I have had an infection for the last six weeks and it is proving to be the devil to get rid off.
I wish I was going abroad for Christmas, like Cyprus my joints are really bad at the moment
Happy Christmas
Hi Katie,
I haven't been around here yesterday or today, which I meant to do. Have actually spent the day dozing on an off, as I haven't had much sleep for 3 nights due to wind and being in a lot of pain after a scan. I did spend some of the night online, but couldn't concentrate for long so came off.
The wind has died down now, and just the rain remains. I meant to spend the day doing my Christmas cards which I haven't managed to get done yet for one reason or another, but that didn't happen either!
Hopefully tomorrow....... If I can get some sleep that will make a big difference.
Happily keeping free from chest bugs and the like, and hope you are too. Oops sorry, I think you said elsewhere you had a chest infection? Sorry, memory like a sieve. Hope it is cleared up now and you are looking forward to Christmas. I
I will be posting in a couple of days about that. Hope 2015 is a much better year for all of us, less pain and easier breathing to name a couple.
Take care Katie, and hope your joints become a bit less painful.
hugs from Huggs xx
Sorry to hear you are in pain since the scan, must be all the travelling and moving around to have it done plus a little stress I guess too. Hope you feel a little better and got more sleep last night. It is draining when the pain interferes with sleep. I am having restless nights with the cold making pain worse, think I need an electric blanket for in the night. Or maybe back to a water bottle. Some of the creams and sprays don't seem as strong these days or is it me just becoming immune to their action. Have a nice Christmas with less pain hopefully, and speak top you again soon Huggs. Best wishes from Katie xx
Getting those smilies worked out with your help x
HI Katie,
So you are! Sorry, I didn't notice. Let me know if you need any more help. Just hover over the smilie and it will tell you what to do, for example a : plus ) is a smile, but you need to remember not to leave a space between the symbols, but a space is needed before and after the smilie. Also, a full stop should not be put after a smilie.
Good luck. oh yes an electric blanket would be a must for you I think, and you can always keep it on low as you sleep, as I think most blankets allow you to do that these days.
hugs from Huggs xx
Yes it's been awful the cold snap is not helping at all nice to have the heating on
Yes the weather really affects my joints......wet/damp or the cold.....ugghhh!!
I have managed to avoid any bugs up until now.
Have a merry Christmas and I wish a pain free {or less pain} for 2015
I used to love the changes of seasons, but the price is high to pay in the cold now. But whilst still feeling, one knows oneself is still alive warm Xmas greetings to all !
Thank you for all your replies makes you realise your not alone with the pain in this cold weather.As Heorte says at least it reminds us we are alive. Would be nice to be abroad for Christmas but then it would not be traditional, and theres all that packing to do and arranging help for the journey, risk of cancellation if weather or health changes, no thanks think I personally prefer to stay warm at home and remain reasonably well if possible. Stay well over Christmas and I hope to speak to you all again soonxx
My joints have been giving me more gip and my GP asked me if the weather has made it worse When I said it seems to he replied that the medical profession have always said it is a myth but he broke his wrist some years back and the weather seems to make his wrist hurt more so even he is doubting it?
Hi Offcut, the weather does make a difference we should know. It makes depression worse these dark days too and the chest does not like cold, whether you have COPD or asthma. My Gp was saying so too that the changing temperatures of late are causing fluctuations in peoples chronic health conditions. I think one reason is we tense our muscles more in the cold which puts strain on the joints and physio said the blood supply is altered by temperature and poor blood supply can make pain worse in weak muscles. So there is some theory to consider here but that's not a solution to our increased pain is it? Enjoy your evening and hope it is milder soon for the sake of our pain.