I have been a left B/K amputee since 1995, and still have stump pain. Sometimes I can get by with pain pill and others are like this last weekend when nothing I did could help. I know the leg is gone but my brain doesn't!!!!
Any ideas?????
I have been a left B/K amputee since 1995, and still have stump pain. Sometimes I can get by with pain pill and others are like this last weekend when nothing I did could help. I know the leg is gone but my brain doesn't!!!!
Any ideas?????
Have you read the book The Brain that Changes itself by Norman Doidge. This book has some awe inspiring stories of people such as yourself who are experiencing phantom limb pain who have worked with their doctors to use the power of the brain's neuroplasticity to develop new neural pathways that enable the nerves within your stump to no longer produce pain. There is also a video to go with the book. From memory in the video someone with an amputated arm used mirrors to fool the brain into believing the arm was still in place. Once this had occurred they no longer felt any pain as the brain no longer believed there had been trauma to the stump of the arm. I know it all sounds crazy but the book really is based on true stories and is worth following up on.
I hope you manage to find some relief from your pain as others have begun to do.
Best wishes
Our website has some radio shows and an article on phantom limb pain which may help:
Hope this helps.
Also we here at Pain Concern and other members of health unlocked would love to hear about your experiences. Maybe consider writing something for the blog section of the Website! No pressure but it be great to hear about your experiences with Pain.
Thank you to you all, I posted my story to the site on the blog, if any of you would like to read it. I appreciate all the good information I have received, thank you!!!!